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"Not Now" Shreya said, biting her lips, disappointment filled through her and added, "I wish he came late!"

Avantika threw her phone on the bed in frustration and gritted out, "Why Advik? I wish I slept with Someone who have little ass attitude"

Shreya ignored her anger and poured out her words, "I asked Avyan to pick me up once he is done with his meeting, He came before I could see your unfold life drama!"

Avantika eyebrows narrowed and scoffed at her friend before saying, "Drama, You and your husband enjoy the drama while eating popcorn and--God, I should go downstairs"

Shreya nodded her head and said, "I will bring Avyan too--I hope he accepts without making a fuss!"

"I hope you guys enjoy the show!" Avantika said through clenched teeth.

Pregnancy Mood swings

Avantika descended down the stairs nervously as the echo of slap wouldn't stop ringing in her ears. Shreya followed her curtly and gazed at Avantika parents who were busy glaring at Avantika. Her gaze then shifted to Advik who had a bored expression on his face.

"My husband is waiting outside" Shreya's soft voice rang, making Advik snap his head to hers.

Avantika mom tore her gaze from her daughter, and smile crawled at her face hearing Shreya voice and offered, "Invite him in"

Advik clenched his jaw, hearing Avyan's name and that was not unnoticed by Shreya. She knew things wouldn't go pretty well if they breathe in the same atmosphere.

"No. Actually, He said —"Shreya voice cut off when Avantika father interrupted,

"At least Tea"

"Shreya" Avantika gritted out her friend name and said," Please, Bring him in"

Shreya sighed and took a long stride to the door before twisting the knob and pushed the door open, closing it behind her. Her heart fluttered looking at his tired yet beautiful visage. He was leaning against the car, waiting for his wife to come.

He quickly removed his shade as he saw Shreya coming towards him with a smile and he returned it back. He approached her as she neared him and asked, "You are early"

He pulled her for a hug and still the damn never ending crackers wouldn't stop bursting even after they literally couldn't keep their hands off when they were together.

"I don't want Avantika to snatch You!" Avyan said with a grin, his dimple snatching the attention of hers.

Shreya shifted her feet before walking closer to him, fiddling with his shirt button she murmured, "They asked you to come inside"

Avyan frowned and said softly, "Well, I wouldn't mind coming in, princess. You shouldn't be nervous to ask those silly things"

Shreya breathed out and said, "Well—Advik came to talk to her family"

Avyan smirked and said, "Well, I Should definitely come inside!"

Shreya shook her head in disbelief before voicing out her thoughts, "You actually wouldn't accept this easily. You—"

"You talk a lot" Avyan commented and pecked her lips before saying, "Lets go inside"


Sighing, They both walked together inside while tightly clutching their hands. They could hear the talking sound inside and when the door opened, they heard,

"How can I trust you?" Avantika's father questioned.

"Trusting is your problem and I'm not here to create an impression" Advik snapped. His own parents wouldn't trust him then how can he expect someone else to trust him?

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