Chapter -23

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Dedicating Avantika part to DESTORYINGGamingchan❤️

Gentle wind swept through her black locks, her curls swinging back and forth in breeze, tuning to the composed music that wind was playing

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Gentle wind swept through her black locks, her curls swinging back and forth in breeze, tuning to the composed music that wind was playing. The wind was gentle, to the extend where the goosebumps rose on her milky white skin. A click sound left pass Avantika lips in annoyance as the curls kept waving to her face.

"You need to tie" Her mom commented before looking away from her, back to keenly listening to the whispering of the surroundings.

"I don't have Band, I would have stayed with her. Not that I'm going to study!" Avantika said displeasingly.

Tut sound left pass Avantika mom lips, her left hand tucked the hairs of Avantika behind the ear before her eyes wandered to Avantika brown hairs. Keeping the disapproving look she spoke, "Look at your hair, Full of brown. That's why I always scold you to apply oil!"

Groaning, Avantika slide her hairs to her side, and remarked,

"Look, Proved I got your genes. Answering irrelevant to the questions even if it was simple!"

"Even her relatives departure from there!" Her mom put forth her thoughts.

"I'm her yoyo bestie, I should stay!" Avantika said before gagging as her own hair invaded into her mouth.

"What's that Yoyo?" Avantika mom cross questioned before wrapping the saree pallu around herself to embrace the warmness.

"Look at your mouth, You have thirty two teeth!" Avantika grinned knowing her mother would be irritated by now.

Her mom rolled her eyes before saying, "You said, You want to meet Aarav but return back before the clock ticks Ten"

The auto stopped in the corner of the street, Avantika adjusted her dress before getting down of the auto and looked at her mom before saying, "You have money,right?"

Avantika shrugged when her mom glares at her. Sighing, she thought about the heavy jewels and walking alone, of course every one would think her as if she had stolen from somewhere.

" Oye, angel!" She heard some slurred voice.

Her eyes widen before she sped up her stride, but again she heard Screaming or more than asking for help. Sighing, she looked left and right, and then her gaze fixed froze to see Advik Rathore who was looking at her with a smile and waving at her to come closer.

She teetered back in oscillation whether to help or not but if she helps, would she be safe in return? Sure, he is drunk but him being on roads, was the thing that worries her.

" Why are you sleeping here?" Avantika frowned.

Advik chuckled before saying, " My My cot get broken!"

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