Chapter -53

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Why does her life has to be joke to everyone? When will fate choose her life to be colourful rather than bored life? If only one had a courage to acknowledge the aftermath of wrong move, everyone would have now lived a happy life, instead of standing still in the past.

Here now with closed eyes, she couldn't find a single reason to put all the blame on him, since she remembered every single thing . This is the reason, she feared to be with him. Either way, something would have to go wrong whenever they breath in same Atmosphere.

No words would be out, when your heart decided to go against you,decided to betray you just to make someone feel better. Her anger went deeper into her heart just to turn it against her. When she opened her eyes, she was first angry at him but just as her eyes caught Avyan innocent sleepy face, every thoughts that she had against him became her own battle to fight with.

Hugging the duvet closer, she layed down on the bed, feeling extremely sore and sleepy.

Just like that, god offered her a last Chance to have a peaceful sleep for sometime and she gladly used that offer.

After two hours

Rough calloused hand softly rubbing her cheery coated cheeks, breath staggering as he couldn't get over the sleeping beauty.

Even after ravishing for almost whole night, yet the hunger for her was never ending.

His hand stopped dead when her eyes hesitantly opened with heavy sigh. .

" Good morning" Avyan husky voice rang through her ears,

Her chest heaved up and down as fear enveloped her. His smile dropped as the absolute fear was evident in her eyes.

" Do you regret for what happened yesterday?" Avyan asked, his voice soaking with sincerity and curiosity.

Shreya bit her lips and without answering, she clutched the duvet closer before letting the tear droplet claim her unfortunate.

Avyan clenched his jaw before harshly gripping her elbow, yanking her closer making their breath clash.

" Do you regret?" He reiterated his question through gritted teeth while she did nothing in responsive except trying to get away from his hold.

He shook his head in disbelief and said with mocking smile, " Go on, put all blame on me. But remember one thing, I didn't initiate anything"

Shreya turned her head to him in disbelief as she intake the meaning. Was he implying that she was the one who forced her? Maybe, but he would have pushed if he hadn't want it.

Her ego bubbled up, eyes burning with unshed tears as she recalled his words for one last time and said, " Don't flatter yourself. Maybe it was me who initiated but as you might have known my state that time, I would have had sex with whoever I was with. Because it was not me, it was that drug"

What she missed to notice was the old Avyan slowly resurfacing. His eyes held infinite love, anger more than that it was jealousy.

Just as she knew she had triggered him to the edge, she tried to move away but Avyan quickly held her in the place with harsh grip. Though his anger was something that one should fear, yet Shreya aching eyes begging to wipe the unshed tears in Avyan eyes, but as always ego wins.

" Go, whore around"

With that words Avyan left the room with burning ache in heart.


" I will sign it, just do what I say" Avyan snarled at the assistant.

He couldn't be himself, not after accusing Shreya with something which she never had done. It was his anger that spoke. He wanted nothing but to go back to room and apologize for his words.

Their life has already messed up and he added more.

He quickly stood up from his seat and said quick bye to his client who were in phone call.

He snatched the car key from his valet and already ripped off the door before speeding up.

He pressed the doorbell and waited patiently for the door to open. Since today is actually Sunday, he didn't force her come along with him. Just some signing work.

He sighed when the maid of the resort opened the door.

" Where is Shreya?" Avyan asked sternly.

" Upstairs" the maid reply and moved aside to get him in.

He without wasting time, climbed upon the stairs while getting rid of his tie. With panting, he knocked on the door and his breath hitched when his wife opened the door looking all set to go somewhere. Though her Beauty was in taking all of his thoughts yet reason intrigued.

" Why did you all dressed up?" Avyan questioned.

" None of your business" Shreya snapped.

Avyan sighed before saying, " I'm sorry"

Shreya gulped the lump and said, " I will be late tonight"

Avyan eyebrow furrowed before he questioned again, " Where are you going? And the last time I remembered it's proven that your not capable to go alone somewhere alone"

Shreya clenched her jaw and without replying she exited and closed the door with thud. Avyan was about to follow her but stood rooted in his place just as the message popped in her phone screen.

Papa- He is waiting for you in East road street.

Sorry for late update.

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