Author's Note

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Hello Everyone! I'm literally so excited that the second installment of 'TheHeart Series' has come to an end. When I started the first book, I really didn't think I'd get this far or have this much love and support. I really appreciate each and everyone of you that read.

To be honest, I wasn't expecting this book to go so far but here we are. Many hearty thanks to you all that read the book even without voting or commenting. The fact that you gave the book a chance is thrilling.

And to those that commented and voted all the way: special thanks to you as I kept writing and updating cause of you.

This isn't the end though, cause get ready for twists, heartbreak, drama, tears and of course romance. Sorry not sorry to all those that cried along the way (if it makes you feel better, I also cried~).

The third and final installment would be out, don't know when but hopefully soon after I'm done editing this book.

I would love to do a question and answer segment but only if you guys want. You can just drop your questions here and I'll answer them in the Soonest. You can also direct your question to a particular character, lol, and he or she will answer. <3

Follow me on wattpad and instagram @XReaderAholic_ for more updates.

Lost Her Heart(Book2, the Heart series)Where stories live. Discover now