Chapter Thirty-One

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Jayden watched his sister sit on his bed while he rummaged through his backpack. She turned to her phone and saw Vesper would be at her house any minute. She turned to her younger brother who was flipping through the pages of a text book.

A smile came across his face when he reached a particular page and he turned to her, his smile turning into a smirk.

"You're been creepy" Kaitlyn commented on his actions as he grabbed the chair from his reading desk and kept it in front of her as he sat on it. He opened the text book and brought out a picture.

Turning the picture towards her she found out it was a picture of them with their mother and all their faces were circled. Their faces were circled with blue sharpies while their mother's was with a red sharpie"What does it mean?" She looked at him.

"I have no idea" she rolled her eyes. "I found it in Uncle Nico's study. Dylan asked me to go over to help with a chemistry project he was working on with this chick. Both of them had no idea what they were doing. She was pretty though" he smirked, looking into space as if reliving a memory making her smack his arm.

"Concentrate here" he frowned and turned back to his sister "you can't just go snooping around in his study. You could get caught"

"All that doesn't matter. What do you think this means? What is Nico doing with our mum's pictures? And why are they had burnt and this? But there's a way we can figure out who the message was sent to and probably what it means"

"How?" He twirled the chair and dragged it back to his reading table, switching on his laptop. She followed him as he began typing furiously then placed the picture under a scanner.

"We can scan the picture and find out the exact time and place this was done. If we're lucky enough we can find out what the arrows symbolize"

"And how are you going to do that?" She raised a brow, placing an arm behind his chair.

"It's an app I designed myself. I don't know if it works but we can try"

"An app you designed yourself?" He smiled and cocked his head to look at her.

"Yes ma'am. I wasn't kidding when I said I wanted to be a software engineer"

"You are obviously on your way to been one. What's the name of the app?" He shrugged

"I have no idea. AP350 for now"

"Why 350?" He shook his head at how many questions she was asking as he turned his head back to the desktop. The screen came to life and binary numbers appeared. He typed more of them Confusing Kaitlyn more. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to get the perfect combination to get words out" she sighed and looked as he kept typing furiously on his keyboard. "I got it" she turned her attention to the laptop. "Six pm. Location: Atlanta, Georgia"

"Atlanta, Georgia?" He nodded "is this thing good"

"I believe it's eighty-five percent efficient and only fifteen percent deficient" he pat the laptop repeatedly.

"And what do the arrows mean?"

"Oh" he punched the keyboard again "the arrows seem to be coordinates but I can't find the exact location because they are just two. It means there are more of these. While these circles obviously means our mother's in danger"

"What do you mean our mum's in danger?" He kept quiet, knowing she understood what he meant. A knock on the door made Jayden shut the laptop and Kaitlyn to turn her head towards it and order a 'come in'. Blond hair appeared followed by the fingers. Kaitlyn bit her lip when she saw the valley of rings arranged on each finger as she knew it was Vesper. And true to her guessing, Vesper stepped inside

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