Chapter Fifty-Four

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Kaitlyn smiled as she bounced off the stairs, her skirt and ponytail following her every move. Getting to the dining table, Lia, Carlos and Jayden gave her weird looks as she offered them a big grin and drew out a chair.

"Good morning, to you all" she greeted. "It's such a beautiful morning, isn't?"

"Yeah... it is" Jayden replied, eyeing her skeptically.

"Why are you guys looking at me like I suddenly grew three extra heads?"

"It sure wouldn't be as surprising as seeing you so cheerful in the morning"

"Why do you seem so happy?" Lia asked as she sat down. "Yesterday, you were locked up in your room and refused to talk to anyone. Or even eat" She only rolled her eyes in response when Carlos's eyes lit up.

"What exactly happened last night?" He threw a mischievous look her way and her eyes widened when she felt her aunt's eyes on her.

"Last night?" She asked, looking between the two and Her husband's eyes widened when he realized what he had done.

"Well... last night I was going out to meet Victoria when I met uncle Carlos and Jayden playing video games in the living room?"

"What!?" Jayden exclaimed "why did you do that? Uncle Carlos snitched on you not me"

"Well, Uncle Carlos wouldn't be playing video games on his own, would he?" He threw her a glare.

"Fuck you" he muttered and she smiled.

"Hang on a second" Lia said and the dining went silent. "You went out last night, without my knowledge, alone?"

"Uncle Carlos was aware" she defended herself. "And I didn't go alone. Jack was with me. I went to meet Victoria. There's no harm in that"

"And what was so important it couldn't wait till morning?"

"For one, I have school. Secondly, I really don't know. But, there's something you guys should know. Victoria left the altar cause of Alfred and I. She figured we still had feelings for each other and couldn't get married to him"

"Alfred has feelings for you?" Jayden drawled "Why then did he decide to marry Victoria? It's probably one of his tricks again"

"No, it isn't. Turned out his mother pressurized him into doing so. Philippe agreed to invest in their business only if Al gets married to Tori. With his connections and all that, it was bound to be a success. And you know, Al made a promise to his dad; he would do anything for LD. So I guess she blackmailed him into doing so and all that. She also threatened to frame me in Haisley's murder case. Another of Al's weaknesses. She just doesn't stop"

"So you're telling me you're getting back together?" Carlos asked

"No, we're already back together. He was there last night"

"Are you sure about this?" Jayden asked "cause it means if his mother is to blackmail him again he'd leave you in a heartbeat and you'll be broken once again. If he can't stand up to his mother, he's still a fucking baby"

"Jayden! You have no idea how dangerous she can be. When I refused to sell JK to her, Carlos went into a coma for a week!" Silence. All three stared wide eyed at her sudden revelation.

"She did what?" Lia asked with narrowed eyes. "Why didn't you ever say so?"

"Cause I wasn't sure at first. But then Rafael got some clues and before we could put the pieces together the evidence vanished into thin air!"

"Damn, the woman's psychotic"

"But why would she want JK?" Carlos asked.

"I don't know. You never know what the woman's up to" she answered and shared a look with her brother.

Lost Her Heart(Book2, the Heart series)Where stories live. Discover now