Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Here you go" Jayden said and threw his sister her backpack which she caught merely seconds away before it smacked her right in the face. She rolled her eyes at his cheeky smile.

"Jeez, thanks a lot for the heads up" she sarcastically said, slinging the bag on her shoulder.

"You were too engrossed in your phone" she sighed when a brunette walked towards them with a smile on her face.

"Hi Kaitlyn" she beamed and turned to Jayden who was obviously checking the girl out: from her twisted side braid, to the tight vest and shirt, to the skirt right below her ass to the platform Mary Janes on her feet. She smiled, loving the attention she was getting from him " Hello Jay"

"Hey Candy" he smiled at the girl and her face flushed.

"Okay, this is getting weird" Kaitlyn pointed out "is there anything you want, Candy?"

"No. I just spotted Jay across the hall and decided to come say hi. We have home room together" Kaitlyn rolled her eyes. She was used to girls flooding around her brother and angry older siblings lashing out at her. Mostly for breaking their sisters' heart. But her brother had always shrugged it off with an 'I'm not in a committed relationship with anyone and can do whatever the heck I want'.

"Yeah sure" Jayden agreed "we can hang out during rec too" the girl beamed again.

"Okay, then. I'll be going to the chem lab to meet Katherine" Kaitlyn informed her younger sibling "I'll see you during rec" her eyes flicked to Candy "or most probably after school" He nodded in understanding.

"See you later" she walked away, leaving the two sophomores to themselves and only took a turn to the next hallway when she felt hands on her arm that were unmistakably that of a man. She shrieked and another hand covered her mouth, muffling her protests as she was dragged into a room.

She eventually gave up protesting and kicked her kidnapper in the calf with her heeled ankle boots. He immediately let go of her, letting out a scream and clutching his calf.

"I can see you're still as feisty as ever" the voice said and she almost froze in her place. Shaking, she searched for the switch and almost screamed when the lights illuminated the room and she saw the face of the kidnapper. He smiled at her shocked reaction, taking short strides towards her,

"W-what are you doing here, Tyler- I mean Chris?" He stopped right in front of her, a smile on his face. He was gorgeous, no doubt. But the fact they he was sick in the head didn't make her think so. It's been two years of his treatment now, Kaitlyn thought looking into his black eyes. I'm sure he's perfectly fine now. She gulped.

"I came to see you and say hi. And also to apologize for whatever happened. I liked you, I really did. But I let all the wrong reasons drive my actions. I was a fucking dick. I'm sorry" she finally smiled at him.

"It's okay, it's not your fault"

"I also found out you paid the full amount for the treatment for six months and half of it for the other year and other months" she laughed.

"Your parents told you that?" He shrugged.

"Nah. I found the receipts. They'd make sure I have nothing to do with you. Ever!"

"Yeah I'm sure" he smiled nervously.

"You look even more beautiful and hotter than I can remember"

"Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself" he laughed, ruffling his hair to get the snow out of it.

"I'll be off to Salvador tonight" she slowly nodded in understanding, moving forward into the rest of the class and settling on a chair. He followed and pulled one just in front of her, shifting the table aside. "I heard what happened with Alfred?" She looked up at him and saw what she now hates the most; pity. Which she had been getting lately.

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