Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Kaitlyn rolled her eyes as she walked into the cafeteria. Ignoring the judging looks and whispers she was getting, she got her lunch and walked straight to her table. She had texted Katherine the minute she walked into the building only to be replied with a 'I'm busy' which broke her heart. Maybe she's also disgusted with me, she thought just like half of the school. But who fucking cares?

She frowned and stared at her fish chowder sheet pan bake with a frown when her phone went off indicating a text from Jayden asking if she was fine and was in school. She replied with a simple yes and dropped the phone. She knew Jayden never ate in the cafeteria but in one of the classrooms at the other wing of the school they had transformed into a living room.

She looked up again and saw Katherine walking into the cafeteria laughing with Alexis and a sudden pang of jealousy hit her. They got lunch together and exchanged a few words before Katherine made her way to where Kaitlyn was seated.

"Hey, how've you been?" Katherine asked with a smile as she sat down and Kaitlyn mumbled a 'fine'. "Guess who scored a B in her history project"

"I'm happy for you, Katherine" Katherine frowned when she noticed the lack of enthusiasm in her friend's voice.

"Are you fine?" Kaitlyn raised her brow. "I heard what happened to Charles, I'm so sorry about that"

"It's okay, he just got what he deserved" Katherine smiled at her words.

"You know I told you I've been getting tutored by that scholarship guy," Kaitlyn nodded "well I got a B in the project" she gave a small squeal and Kaitlyn forced a smile. "My parents are gonna be so happy. Finally they will stop pestering me about how bad my grades are" she squealed again but stopped when she noticed Kaitlyn's lack of excitement again. "You don't seem happy about it"

"I wanted to tutor you and you refused"

"You and I both know if you do it we're not gonna end up studying. We'll just end up watching movies and eating. Besides, you have enough on your plate with that family of yours and Alfred"

"What do you mean that family of mine?"

"I didn't mean it in a bad way it's just-"

"Save it! Now I really know what you think about me"

"Why are you even mad at me? You've been upset ever since I sat down here!" Katherine'a voice began to get higher. "I've been trying to cheer up but you're been dull. You're not even happy about my improved grades"

"Katherine, you know that's not true. I'm really happy for you it's just-"

"Just what, Kaitlyn? You need to understand the fact that the world doesn't revolve around you. Your uncle killed your father, tough luck. But you don't need to go around sulking! You're the one who sent him to jail. You can't even pretend to be happy for me my grades are improving"

"I didn't mean it like that. Is that what you really think of me?"

"Ah, save it, Kaitlyn. You're always playing the victim card just to get attention. You had Troy and Alfred at your beck and call. Now that Alfred's out of the way, Troy's become like a tail, following you around like his life depends on you" Kaitlyn looked up at her best friend and let out a breath.

"If that's who you really think I am, then I'm sorry I ever bothered you with my problems. I'll handle everything myself from now on. Thank you very much for your time" she smiled and walked out of the cafeteria with all eyes on her. Katherine winced when she slammed the door shut and turned to her plate.

"What was that I heard?" Jayden asked his sister who had her head buried in the book on her reading desk. She swallowed hard, licked her lips and turned the chair to face him. He had a straight face on and still dressed in his school uniform.

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