Chapter Eleven

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Kaitlyn slumped on the couch, arms wide open and her eyes closed. Her hair spread after her and one of her legs was hanging from the couch. Letting out a deep breath she squeezed her eyes.

"You're back" a voice she recognized as her Aunt Lia's made her open her eyes. Oh great. "If you're going to sleep at least have the decency to eat something first. You just got off the plane"

"I already know that, Aunt Lia. I just have this stupid headache. I'm so hungover It fucking hurts"

"Welcome back!" Jayden yelled, running into the living room and Kaitlyn groaned, clutching her head. "What's up with her?"

"Hangover" Lia explained and walked back into the kitchen.

"You look like you were eaten and spat out by a lion" he sat on the couch beside hers, eyeing her cautiously like she was the plague.

"Jeez, thanks so much. Where's Carlos?"

"Out. Don't know where"

"Kaitlyn" Lia yelled from the dining and Kaitlyn groaned again. "Get your lazy self here"

"I'm not lazy I'm hungover. Ugh" she slowly stood and walked over to the dining with Jayden right behind her. She sat opposite Lia while Jayden sat beside her.

"How was Zurich?" Lia asked, scooping some mash into Kaitlyn's plate.

"It was fine" she mumbled back. Nico had stayed back as his business there wasn't completed. She didn't know whether Victoria was still there or not and only realized they hadn't exchanged phone numbers when she got into the jet.

"You really do not look okay"

"We stayed and watched the fireworks at Lake Zurich in respect to the New Year" she explained, propping her head with one hand "then we had pear brandy and got drunk. I really don't even know how I got home"

"We? You and Uncle Nico?" Jayden asked, clearly confused and Lia took a sip of water from the glass she was holding, not taking her eyes off Kaitlyn as she eagerly waited for her answer.

"No. I met someone over there. Her name was Victoria and she literally looks like Barbie"

"Barbie? That cartoon character?" Jayden asked again.

"Yeah. The only difference is her strawberry blond hair has some strands of black"

"I thought Barbie had blond hair"

"She had strawberry blond in some of the episodes" he rolled his eyes.

"Can I see her picture?" Lia asked and Kaitlyn smiled sheepishly "I don't have any. We took most of them with her camera"

"What a waste of time" Jayden commented with an eye roll. "You don't have any picture?"

"I had just one of me. I'm not really into selfies anymore like I used to"

"Was she a local?" Lia asked to divert her neice's attention from self wallowing.

"No. She was French. A Monégasquese specifically"

"From Monaco?" Jayden asked, his interest peaked again. "The heir to the throne's name is also Victoria"

"Victoria is a popular name in Monaco" Lia explained. "It's about some princess who got back some jewelries that were stolen by some English Prince"

"How do you know that?" Jayden accused

"There's something called History, Jayden. Look it up" he pouted, watching her take another sip of water.

"I bet he doesn't even know what that means" Kaitlyn teased.

"I know what it is" Jayden argues "sorry I'm not interested in your boring stuffs" Kaitlyn scoffed.

Lost Her Heart(Book2, the Heart series)Where stories live. Discover now