Chapter Three

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Kaitlyn sucked in a breath, looking at her grandmother's house before stepping in. She was so ready for this night. Charles and Nico seemed to be walking on eggshells around her and her grandmother was been too pushy. She was naturally a narcissist and control freak just like Elizabeth which Kaitlyn figured was probably why they could never share a common spotlight.

Nola also seemed to be acting cool towards her mother and brothers while been extra affectionate towards Kaitlyn and Jayden making Kaitlyn wonder what had transpired that everything changed so much. It was at times like this that she wished Alfred never left. Or that they could at least communicate so he'd tell her what to do. Troy's was a good adviser but sometimes you just need the person you love by your side.

"I'm here" she said when she got inside and found them at the dining already "sorry I'm late. Merry Christmas everyone" they mumbled random 'Merry Christmas' as she sat at the other end of the dining opposite her grandmother.

"You're late" she stated after the greetings had calmed down.

"Sorry" Kaitlyn apologized half heartedly.

"Time is money, Kaitlyn. And we have very little of that to spare"

"I know, grandma I've heard that lecture about a hundred times"

"Are you saying I'm nagging?"


"Allow the child to eat, Mother" Nola said, sternly and her mother sighed.

"We'll talk about this after dinner"

"I'll be leaving immediately after" Her grandmother looked up from her Coq au Vin Rosé to Kaitlyn "I promised to spend Christmas with Troy but you just had to ruin it"

"Ruin it? I don't know what's going on between you and that boy but you can't go against your family for him" Kaitlyn looked up from her food for the first time since she sat. Nico had a pleading look on his face which she gladly ignored. Nola was eating peacefully beside her and Aria looked uncomfortable seated close to her grandmother. Jayden was seated beside Dylan and they both looked like they were about to throw up while Charles had a smug look on. Scott had gone to Canada to see Illania against his grandmother's wishes.

"Oh really? Well in case you didn't know I'm with this family only because of Alfred. Alfred and his friends helped me reclaim this family when you wanted nothing to do with us and our mother"

"There we go with the history again. Alfred Alfred Alfred. He's not a saint like you're making him to be. If his mother could try seducing your father while her husband was alive I wouldn't want to imagine what he would do to you"

"Alfred is nothing like his mother" she seethed "and the sooner you come to terms with that, the better"

"Are you threatening me?"

"I'm just giving you options" Her grandmother nodded.

"You're going to the Charity ball tomorrow, I suppose?" Kaitlyn gave her a questioning look. She was aiming for another goal.

"Yes I am"

"Good we're going together. You might meet someone there"

"Meet someone? I have a boyfriend" she rolled her eyes. Her grandmother never seemed to be tired of arguing and she was her grand daughter too; if she was stubborn so was she.

"Well you can be with someone before he comes back. He might just be the rebound you need. You can't keep pining after one guy"

"Can we just stop with this conversation?" Aria asked, clearly irritated "I'm trying to eat here and all that been going on is whether Kaitlyn will be with Alfred or not"

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