Chapter Forty-Four

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Kaitlyn sighed when she saw Katherine seated on the football bleachers, scrolling through her phone, her chin on her palm. With the way her brows were furrowed, Kaitlyn could tell she was confused at what was popping up in her phone.

Anger suddenly flushed through her watching Katherine sit alone like that. Her parents never considered her a human. Just another source of income to them. The fact that they threatened to cut off everything from her just made everything worse.

Sensing she was been watched, Katherine raised her head from her phone and her eyes quickly found Kaitlyn's. Guilt flashed through her eyes followed by panic and she quickly rose from her place, carrying her bag along. To stop her from escaping, Kaitlyn ran towards her and grabbed the bag before she could sling it on her shoulder.

"What are you doing?" Katherine asked, glaring at the hand stopping her from leaving. Her eyes found Kaitlyn's and she hissed, looking away.

"We need to talk" Kaitlyn demanded, ignoring the curious glances from students in the football field who were either free like Katherine was or dodging their last class like Kaitlyn.

"You and I have nothing to talk about. I told you I don't wanna be friends with you anymore"

"Alexis told me everything" she watched Katherine's jaw clench and unclench.

"That bitch. I don't care what she's told you. I don't want anything to do with it. Now let me go. I have somewhere to be"

"As far as I know you don't have class now"

"So? Not everyone's lucky like you, Kaitlyn. You can get into any Ivy League school of your choice. What about me? If I don't get good grades and get into an Ivy League school my parents are going to cut me off everything. I'm gonna be the one paying the fees myself" Kaitlyn swallowed hard, trying to digest the new information she had just gotten. She never knew her best friend was suffering so much in silence. And that's when she knew how tangled she had been in her own problems that she barely gave time to Katherine.

"So what Alexis said is true?" Katherine sighed when she saw Kaitlyn take a seat on the bleachers and sat beside her.

"Pathetic, I know. But I just read the news that Charles has been released, maybe they'll reconsider their decision"

"And if they don't?"

"Then I guess that's goodbye" Kaitlyn slowly turned to face her

"You can't be serious. You have to fight for our friendship. They can't just toss it into the trash like some piece of jewelry they're tired of"

"I'm sorry, Kai. But not everyone's like you. Not everyone's as strong as you are. I mean you fought for your relationship with Alfred even when everyone was against it. Your family, his mother. But I'm not as strong as you are" she sighed "I remember an incident from my childhood. I had a pony. It was literally the only friend I had cause I was homeschooled back then.

When I reached fourteen, my mother sold it. I didn't even get to say goodbye. I just woke up and it was gone. She said I was too big and fat for the poor pony. That is understandable. But she should have at least allowed me to say one final goodbye" she turned to Kaitlyn with a smile "at least I got to say goodbye to you" Kaitlyn turned to her

"Do you really have to? I'm sorry all this is all my fault. I'm so messed up and wrapped up in my own problems I didn't get time for our friendship"

"It's really not your fault. My parents obsession with a 'clean' image is the problem. Your remember what I said about all my friends betraying me? I lied. It's just that my family's so conserved and more than half of the students at Crestville are known to be wild; alcohol, drugs, partying, you name it. So they thought I was boring and all that. Then my parents banned me from attending High school parties. The ones I got to attend, I either snuck out or lied. You know, they don't really like The Smiths but Elizabeth holds a crucial position in the business world"

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