Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Stupid. Asshole. Dumbass. Fool.

I deserve to die for whatever I'm making her go through. She deserves the best and I'm not the best. To make matters worse I'm a cancer patient who has numbered days. All my life I've been on a quest for something mine. Something I've had to work hard for to be able to call it mine. Something I'm proud of. Everything has been offered to me on a golden platter since birth. Till it reached the point that it was snatched from my own siblings and handed to me.

I've been a monster since I was a child always taking the rights of others and making it mine. Always angry and hating myself. And when I finally found something I could call 'mine' with all my hard work and determination; something that could give me peace and gave me a reason to live and love myself, I destroyed that reason with my own bare hands. I sucked out the soul in her and used it for my own selfish desires. She doesn't even want to look at me not to talk of having anything to do with me.

I said she was a mistake. A fucking mistake! When she's the best thing that has ever happened to me. She loved me when even my own mother was just using me for her selfish desires. She taught me to be selfless when I've been brought up to be selfish. She taught me to love myself, love freely and expect nothing in return. She made me understand the meaning of life, always ready with an armor to take a stand for herself.

I know I'm been unfair to Victoria. She doesn't suspect a thing about Kaitlyn and I. She foolishly thinks Troy and her are dating. Where the fuck did she get that idea from? I know Troy said the A on Kaye's necklace represents his middle name but there is no connection between them. That's what I'd like to believe anyway and Troy's my friend. He wouldn't do anything with my girlfriend. Ex girlfriend anyway.

I wish I could tell Victoria what's going on or at least about the history between Kaye and I but doing so would result to consequences I wouldn't want to know. I found one thing to call mine and was earned with all dignity and hard work. It just had to be taken from me.

Karma's a fucking bitch!

Kaitlyn slid on the chair beside Jayden and he raised a brow at her happy mood. She smiled back at him before turning to Mia who was serving breakfast. The girl turned to her and cocked her head. Whenever Kaitlyn was in an extra happy mood and smiling all the time it meant something had happened to her and she was hiding it. She ran into the house the previous day and refused to have any conversation with anybody, locking herself up in the room.

And there she was now grinning and pouring milk into her cereal with her triangular parted half ponytail bouncing on her school shirt with every movement she made.

She felt all eyes on her and raised her head to look at them one after the other.

"Why are you looking at me like I've grown an extra heads?" She asked with an eye roll.

"No, you haven't" Mia answered and went back to placing waffles on Carlos' plate.

"You came back yesterday looking like Dracula and you're all Olaf today?" Carlos asked and she raised her brows at her uncle.

"What are you trying to imply? That I'm grumpy all the time and I look ugly?" The man's face paled.

"No, of course that's not what I meant" she smirked "I was just wondering. You're looking really pretty"

"Thank you" she smiled, pleased. She knew what he was trying to imply but she was trying her best to push it at the back of her mind. She had spent the entire night crying pushing away all of the memories of her and Alfred out of her mind. All his gifts were packed together in a bag and pushed under her bed.

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