Chapter Thirteen

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Kaitlyn still couldnt wrap her head around the fact that Alfred would be back the next day. The joy and excitement was almost too much for her to handle. It was no use asking the boys as she knew none of them would tell her. The length they could go to protect each other's secrets was beyond limits and was one of the things she loves about them.

She was glad Kendall had called and informed her. The shock would have given her a stroke. Her heart was beating frantically against her chest just with the thought of been able to see and feel him again that she couldn't wipe the smile off her face.

"You look like you're about to explode" Vesper commented, catching up with Kaitlyn along the stairs leading to the Mansion. Kaitlyn rolled her eyes, admiring the girl's Irish accent like she always did, especially with Haisley.

"I'm not going to explode. I'm just excited. It's been two whole years" vesper shrugged and stuffed her hands into the pockets of her jeans.

"I can't relate. We don't need to be tied to someone at such a young age. We should have fun"

"Love knows no age"

"Of course"

"Where are you two coming from?" Lia asked when the two girls walked into the living room with beaming faces "someone looks happy"

"Alfred is coming back tomorrow" Kaitlyn blurted earning her an 'are you kidding me now?' Look "sorry. I'm just so excited" Vesper sighed.

"About time. Well I'm so happy for you"

"Alright, we'll be right back" she grabbed Vesper's wrist

"Where are you going? Dinner's almost ready" Lia said

"Exactly. Almost. Not yet done. We'll be done by then" she gave her a sickly sweet smile and dragged Vesper, who gave Lia an apologetic look, along.

"What is this place?" Vesper asked when Kaitlyn opened the door to a dimly lit room which consisted of nothing but some cupboards, a table, a board, couch, three stools, a chair and bean bags.

"This is our lab. We analyze every evidence we get here. It's safer and no one's going to doubt since this part of the mansion is hardly ever in use"

"And it isn't dirty?"

"I had it cleaned up. You don't expect us to use a dirty place, do you?" Vesper looked like she was about to argue but kept quiet. "Anyway, this is what I found. I don't know why it was in Haisley's room" she dropped the receipt she had found on the table in front of them.

"And I got this" Vesper dropped the glass piece she had placed in a zip lock on the table.

"Both of them have blood on them. But how do we find out whom it belongs to?"

"If we can narrow down the list of suspects then we can find out who's blood matches"

"Pretty smart idea"

"I've always been smart" Vesper crossed her arms across her chest.

"And I'm supposed to be the nerdy ass"

"Been smart doesn't make you a nerdy ass"

"I think we should wrap up here for today and head down before Aunt Lia starts breathing fire"

"I'm starving anyway" Kaitlyn rolled her eye. Trust Vesper to always be hungry.

Kaitlyn grinned, running down the stairs, her hair bouncing with every move she mad. The sound of her heels resonated around the whole living room as she approached.

"How do I look?" She asked, twirling around for Lia, Jayden and Carlos to see. Lia smiled proudly at Kaitlyn's long sleeve white blouse tucked into a midnight blue thigh length skirt. She wore a pearl necklace alongside her A locket and the promise ring. Her hair was flowing freely behind her following the direction of the light breeze with some of it falling over her shoulder.

Lost Her Heart(Book2, the Heart series)Where stories live. Discover now