Chapter Thirty-Three

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Elizabeth raised her eyes from the coffee in her mug to Claire as she briskly walked in looking worried. Her expression made her boss's lips to curl down into a scowl as she stopped right in front of her desk.

"Corbin Hirsch reached out to me. Kaitlyn Hernandez and Troy Miller reached out to him regarding Christopher Hernandez's 'accident'. They hired him to look into the accident details. Or more accurately, to look for evidence against you" Elizabeth dropped the mug she was holding aside when Claire opened a file in front of her. She skimmed through it and let out an exasperated sigh.

"That girl has to be the biggest nuisance in my life right now. And Sebastian isn't been helpful" she clenched and unclenched her fists a few times before taking in a deep breath. "Though there isn't anything on me, I know he will bloody take me down if anything pops up on him. Call him. He should take care of the mess he created. I never wanted to kill Chris, he did. Now he should take care of this"

"He's currently out of the country. I tried calling his PA but he wasn't available"

"Call up Corbin. Arrange a meeting with him"

"Are you sure?" Kaitlyn asked as Troy grabbed a bottle of water and stuff it into the pocket of her coat. She looked at him with anxious eyes when he stood to his full length.

"I'll be honest with you, I don't know exactly. But that's what we're going to find out now" he gave her an assuring smile, placing an arm on her shoulder. She bit her lip, not sure of how to feel and let out a deep breath.

"I'm okay. We can go now"

"Thought you'd never said that" she glared at him making him laugh.

"Can I come along?" Jayden asked, walking over to them with his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"No, you can't" Kaitlyn answered. "You'll stay here and cover up for me if Aunt Lia and Carlos get back from their date"

"Why do I have to do that? There's Bennett, Mia, Nia and a fucking ton of other people in the house for that"

"That's because if you don't do it I'm gonna rip your fucking tongue out" he threw her a nasty look.

"Detective Hirsch doesn't like his house too crowded" Troy added "The lesser we are there, the better for us"

"Fine, I'll stay in the stupid house" Jayden mumbled and slumped on a couch.

"How do you do that?" Kaitlyn asked Troy and he smirked with a shrug.

"Come on" he said and she smiled at him, threw one last glance at Jayden who now had his eyes on his phone then back to Troy who was now walking away.

Sienna opened the door with a slight smile on her face compared to the grim look she had on their first visit.

"Hey" Kaitlyn said with a small wave of her hand.

"Hello" Troy said, his hands still in the pockets of his coat.

"Welcome. Corbin's upstairs" Sienna informed them, stepping aside to let them walk in.

"Thank you" Kaitlyn said, leading the way. Sienna answered only with a nod of her head.

"Come on" Troy encouraged Kaitlyn as she fiddled with her fingers and bit her lip, looking like she was dreading walking up the double stairs in front of them. "You'll be fine"

She let out a deep breath and gave him a determined look. "Yeah let's go" he smiled a little as she got on the stairs where he was and led the way.

Corbin raised his head from his phone as soon as he heard their footsteps and dropped the wine glass on the coffee table. A small smirk appeared on his lips which turned into a smile as they got closer to him.

Lost Her Heart(Book2, the Heart series)Where stories live. Discover now