Chapter Forty-One

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"Her phone's switched off" Troy said and Alfred sucked the inside of his cheek. "Why did you have to yell like that?"

"You don't know how much that locket meant to me so just shut the fuck up and keep looking for her. I'm tired already" 

"I can't reach Jayden either"

"She was probably guilt ridden and ran off like that"

"She looked agitated. And she looks like that only when something's wrong with her" Alfred glared at Troy.

"How do you know all that?"

"Cause she's my friend?"

"I gotta go give Kendall the flash drive" He stood straight.

"Hell no. You're coming with me to find Kaitlyn. She ran away like that with that agitated look, her phone's switched off along with that of her brother's"

"She broke her promise, she's bound to get agitated. I think I deserve to be angry and show her how mad I am the way I want to. You don't get to decide that"

"You're behaving like a child, come on. Give your driver the pen drive and come with me. I promise, when we find Kaitlyn safe and sound, you can be mad at her as much as you want"

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes.

"There's most likely going to be a snowstorm soon" he looked up to the sky at the snow pouring as Alfred brought out his phone to call his driver

"Even the weather forecast says so" Troy tried calling Kaitlyn again and groaned when he found it now switched off. He groaned and looked around the empty parking lot as Alfred's driver pulled over. "Give it to Kendy and Kendy alone" the driver nodded and strolled back into the car.

"We should get going. The snow is getting really bad" Alfred rolled his tongue around his mouth but said nothing, walking over to the passenger's side of Troy's car.

Lia's smile immediately turned into a frown when she turned away from her nephew still clad in his uniform to the entrance where Alfred stood while Troy walked inside. She glared at him and turned to Troy.

"Kaitlyn isn't here" she said. "Tell your friend that. He's already tortured her enough. He should go concentrate on his wife to-be and wedding" Alfred licked his bottom lip at her words but said nothing.

"We mean no harm, Lia" Troy assured her "We just wanted to check up on Kaitlyn. We were talking when she just ran off suddenly. Actually, Al saw the missing locket and he kind of got mad at her"

"She said she was going back to the mountain to search for the locket" Jayden spoke "she's been looking it all over the place since she noticed it was missing yesterday and decided to go check today. When she came back she did look really upset. Finally figured out the reason" he glared at Alfred who's eyes had shot up the moment he heard Kaitlyn had gone in search of the locket.

"It's said there's going to be a snowstorm out there" Troy informed them "and she's out alone. Did she change?"

"Yeah. She didn't shower though" Lia answered. "She looked like she was in a rush. Agitated and confused"

"I'll go look for her" Alfred announced, looking up from his phone. "I just texted Victoria and she said they had gone to Whiteface mountain to ski"

"I'll come with you. There's going to be a snowstorm"

"No. It's kind of my fault she's out there right now"

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