Chapter Thirty Eight

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Troy turned over where he felt asleep, the little ray of light coming from the curtains. He caught sight of Kaitlyn sitting in front of the dresser and brushing her hair.

"Morning, sleeping beauty" she said with a smile and he groaned, realizing she had caught him staring.

"Sorry for staring. I didn't mean to" she smiled as he sat up.

"That wasn't so comfortable wasn't it?"

"No" he rubbed the nape of his head "it's actually cool. I'm used to sleeping on the couch by now. I feel lonely on the bed most of the times. The couch's more comfortable" she gave him a sad smile through the mirror. "Is it time for school already?"

"Not in an hour. You can shower and have breakfast. I'll be downstairs"

"Of course" she stood, picked her backpack and blazer, smiled at him again before she stepped out of the room. Troy ran a hand through his hair when he noticed his phone sitting idly by his side. He picked it up and realized he had several missed calls from his father, text messages from him and Alfred.

He smiled, opening Alfred's texts first:

Is she fine?
Did she say anything?
Please tell me if she's alright and Anna hasn't done anything
Why the fuck aren't you answering?
Ugh, fuck you man.

He raised his brows and smirked at the last message before he typed a reply saying Kaitlyn was fine and so was everything before tossing the phone aside not bothering to call his father back.

Kaitlyn watched her family members walk around and then to her brother who took a seat beside her. She smiled at him when he felt her staring at him and he smiled back, turning his head to watch his Aunt take her place opposite him.

"Do you feel better now?" She asked them.

"I was never sick" Kaitlyn argued and Lia rolled her eyes

"You can keep denying all you want. I know you're not what you keep saying"

"Actions speak louder than words" Jayden added "assuming Troy wasn't here last night, you wouldn't have gotten the courage to do what you've been doing" she smiled.

"He is really supportive"

"And who is your support system?" Lia asked her nephew

"You don't need to worry about that" he flipped her off.

"Morning" Carlos greeted, dropping the mug of coffee and newspaper he was carrying on the table as Nia dropped a platter of pancakes.

"Thanks" Kaitlyn said and smiled at the young maid while Carlos picked up his mug for another sip.

"Aren't you picking that?" Lia asked, pointing at Kaitlyn's ringing phone.

"Uhm, no. I don't think it's important" she replied, her focus not leaving the plate before her.

"She's called about five times now" Jayden insisted "I don't think that sounds 'not important'" he pointed at the ringing phone again and Kaitlyn groaned, picking the phone.

"I'll pick the damn call" she rolled her eyes at Lia's disapproving look as she placed the phone to her ear just in time to watch Troy walk down the stairs. "Hey Aria"

"Kaitlyn you have got to listen to me carefully"

"Get to the point, Aria. Stop been so dramatic" Troy sent a brief 'hi' around the table and turned to Kaitlyn.

"Grandma is hiring Barrister Anderson to fight the case"

"Emma? Why didn't I think of that?"

"She has an appointment with her this afternoon"

Lost Her Heart(Book2, the Heart series)Where stories live. Discover now