Chapter Forty

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Kaitlyn laughed as she watched Victoria ski down to her with a bunch of giggles. She watched as the girl narrowly missed her, slipped and landed on her butt making both of them burst into another fit of laughter.

"Come help me, will you?" Victoria asked between laughs skied over to her and helped her up. "Merci (thank you)" the two girls smiled.

"Come let's sit over there. I'm exhausted for now"

"So am I" they laughed again and headed to a tree Kaitlyn had pointed at, putting down their skis and ski poles. "I can't believe I'm getting married in less than two weeks" she spoke after a few seconds of silence and Kaitlyn turned to face her.

"Aren't you happy?"

"Of course I am, more than that. Au comble de l''allégresse(elated). But I'm also nervous. I mean, I'm getting married and that too to the man of my dreams. I mean, Alfred may not be the perfect gentleman, he's rude most of the time, always has this 'I don't give a fuck' look on his face. And gets pissed off over the slightest of issues" Kaitlyn smiled as the thought of Alfred crossed her mind.

"-he might not also have the perfect life but heck, no one has. His father died due to cancer, his sister is divorced" Kaitlyn furrowed her brows when she came to the conclusion that Victoria wasn't aware of Alfred's cancer "He has a large empire on his shoulders at such an age. But I like him like that. My mother died after giving birth to me. I've never even laid eyes on her physically. It's always been my dad, Uncle Philippe and I. Then dad passed away. Leaving me with only Uncle Philippe. I didn't even have much friends cause I was too busy learning how to take care of a whole nation. Which I'll be doing immediately after my wedding" she turned and found Kaitlyn looking at her

"-then I took the habit of traveling around. I used to meet many people who neither knew me nor my background. It was fun. Then I met you. And now your friends, Alfred and his friends. Plus his family. I feel like I've gotten everything I ever wanted along with getting married to Alfred" she smiled longingly.

"A-are you in love with Al?" Victoria's smile widened and she blushed.

"Isn't that obvious? It was an arranged marriage but the moment I laid my eyes on him knowing he was going to be my future, I fell in love with him. And with time, I fell in love with everything around him as well" Kaitlyn only smiled in response. "What about him? Do you think he shares the same feelings as i?"

"Why are you asking me that?" She suddenly found interest in the ring on her finger. "How would I know?"

"You two seem close. Like at the other day on my engagement party you two seemed really close, I mean, the dance"

"Close? We're not that close. You've seen our interactions. Al and I barely talk for more than a minute"

"I read somewhere you two are dating" Kaitlyn whipped her head to face Victoria. "But I know that's an obvious rumor. Troy's your boyfriend. It's obvious he likes you" Kaitlyn let out a breath and hummed "they made it look so believable though. I mean have you seen the pictures?" She bummed again. "But Alfred looked so happy though. What happened between you two? Is it cause you're dating his best friend? He's supposed to be happy for you two"

"I think I'm recharged enough" she picked up her ski poles. "We can do a few more rounds and get going"

"Yeah sounds great" she mirrored Kaitlyn's movements and ended up slipping on her shoulder, only to get caught right before she ended back in the snow. "Thanks"

"Careful" She let out a cheeky grin as Kaitlyn helped her balance on her feet. "Let's get going" she grinned again.

Kaitlyn licked her lips and groaned when she raised her ski jacket and didn't find her locket. Biting her lip, she tried to recall where she could have dropped it and ran a hand through her when she came up with nothing. Frustrated, she slumped on the bed and screamed into her pillow as the door opened.

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