Chapter Nineteen

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Alfred sat beside Kaitlyn on his bed. She had her arms wrapped around herself and staring into space. He rolled his tongue around his mouth, looking at her. He had asked for a chance to explain himself and she had granted his wish. And now, she was sitting quietly waiting for him to justify his action.

"Kaye" she hummed in response "I'm sorry. Really sorry. I didn't mean to hide it from you. It was the only way I had the upper hand when it comes to my mother. She was always threatening and all that. Sometimes she succumbs and most times she dismisses me as some dumb threat. At first she thought I had evidence and was kind of scared but she found out I was lying"

"How did you find out and since when have you known?" If he wasn't feeling so guilty and knew Kaitlyn would glare him to death he would have laughed at how serious she was trying to sound. He knew she hadn't forgiven him as her father was always a sensitive topic for her the same way his father was for him.

"It was about a year after Chris' death. My mum was talking to the officer in charge of his case. She asked them to close the case. She didn't state why and he didn't ask. But then I overheard her talking to Claire about how someone had been hired to crash into his car like she did with your uncle Carlos. His car was thrown down a cliff at a dead end which is why his body wasn't found" tears rolled down her cheeks at that point. Her mother had balled her eyes out when she heard her husband's body was burnt to ashes. The only means of identification was his license plate.

"But why would she kill him? Did he do anything worth killing? I haven't heard of anyone with a single grudge on my father" she wasn't ready to believe what her grandmother said. Elizabeth couldn't be that insane that she'd want to have an affair. She so badly wanted to believe that the woman still had an ounce of sanity in her. But burning someone to ashes was beyond her comprehension. Alfred smiled at her innocence.

"I believe your grandmother told you" she shook her head, trying to block out his voice. Her father didn't have an affair with Elizabeth. He didn't cheat on her mother. "Mum was interested in Chris but he wasn't interested" she let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding "he loved your mother very much. And mum, she was going insane. She made no effort in hiding how she felt -almost everyone knew- which left dad devastated. He couldn't divorce mum. He's what he was mainly because of her.

"-LD was the foundation of their marriage. My grandfather said for him to marry her he had to merge his father's small but promising business with his. Then I don't know how mum took control of almost everything even though My grandfather transferred everything to dad. But he had still grown to love and accept her the way she was. And with all the atrocities she had committed. Towards him, us, her parents, family, literally everyone that crossed her way" Kaitlyn kept quiet, trying to digest the new information. The main thing was her father had rejected Elizabeth. In front of New York's elite. Would that be enough reason for her to kill him? "I guess she killed your father cause she thought if she couldn't have him then no one could. She's that psychotic. I wouldn't be surprised if she, you know, killed your mother"

"My mum's body was found" she quickly snapped and immediately regretted it. "Sorry"

"It's okay" she remembered her grandmother's words 'there isn't a single loyal bone in their body'. Which made her wonder.

"Why are you getting married to Tori?" Her question caught him off guard and he visibly flinched. He was supposed to make Kaitlyn hate him so it could be easy for her to move on and if he was behaving like this there was no way she'd ever be over him. "I'm asking you a question. Oh wait, you have no answer to that. Fanfuckingtastic" she rolled her eyes, wiping her tears with her palm.

He cracked his brain for a reasonable excuse for the girl beside him. She'd do anything to stop the wedding if she found out it was based on a compromise just so he could keep her out of jail. Or worse, killed.

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