Chapter Sixty Nine: Heartbreak Halloween - Side A

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"Oh my gosh, I love this one" Exclaimed Natalia, her voice slightly muffled from behind the dressing room curtain.

"Come out then! I wanna see" I replied as she revealed the Tinkerbell costume she initially didn't even want to try on.

"See! I told you it would look good" I laughed as she did a twirl in the mirror. As I caught sight of the back I scrunched my face us a little. "Just maybe don't bend over"

"Oh shit, you're right... I'm gonna have to wear shorts underneath for sure"

"I think I also found the one" Sam flung open the curtain a d revealed herself in a ripped-up wedding dress, covered in fake blood with a fake knife sticking out her back as she turned to admire herself in the mirror. Natalia and I both shared a concerned look that didn't go unnoticed by Sam who let out a huff. "You think this gives off the intended vibe?"

"I think we can find a better one than that" I replied, forcing a small smile.

"Are you saying it doesn't look good?" Sam retorted, raising her brow at me. I knew she was putting on a front to conceal her real feelings but that's what she does after a breakup.

"No it looks great it's just, I dont think a jilted bride is the right way to go" Natalia twisted her wand in her hand anxiously.

"I need inspiration for when Joe gets married one day and now I know what to wear when I crash it" She shrugged, brushing off what I knew was swelling inside her more.

As usual, we had spent the last few days eating our way through tub after tub of Ben and Jerry's to try to subdue her heartbreak whilst watching slasher movies. Even Joseph joined in in solidarity a few of the nights he was over which seemed to help cheer her up a little. But this one was worse than any other breakup she had been through. Instead of her picking herself up off the floor of her bomb site of a post-break-up bedroom after a few days and slowly going back to her normal self, it had been three weeks. Three weeks of nonstop crying, midnight talks to get out her feelings and in all honestly, a lot of me not knowing what the fuck to do. This situation was unprecedented and as much I tried my best to support her, I felt like it wasn't enough and it sure as hell wants working.

In all fairness, considering Sam's history with guys, it's safe to say she is a little messed up from it and doesn't know what to do with a good guy like Joe. She got a little suspicious and overly jealous when he would hang out with other girls on and off set even though we all knew she had nothing to worry about.

Try telling her that though...

She is the walking embodiment of trust issues and it all got too much for Joe. He got to the end of his rope trying to prove to her and show her that he is a good guy and that he would never cheat on her so he ended it. Not that I blamed him as I could see how downhill she got after a little while but no matter what I said to her, her mind just fucked with her. It's also been hard to be supportive of both of them. Sam is like my sister so obviously, she takes priority but knowing she just got all worked up over nothing towards a guy I know to be one of the sweetest souls in the world, it's fucking heartbreaking. I want to support them both but when she refuses to be in the same room as him, it's a tricky labyrinth to maneuver through.

I knew that at the start she got it in her head that he dumped her so that he could get with other people but I knew that she knew she just wanted a reason to hate him. Even if she had to make one up. Now she is slowly moving into the I'm fine, I dont give a fuck phase before she ultimately sees what she did wrong and goes into the I fucked up didn't I? sad phase. That's going to be the hardest one to witness.

So in true Sam fashion, she was trying to choose a statement outfit for Caleb's Halloween party tomorrow night that would show everyone exactly how she was feeling. Subtlety is not Sam's strong suit when she is overly emotional. I knew she was going to be a wreck and probably drinking herself silly so I will be there for a long time not a good time. So I am now the designated driver.

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