Chapter Seventeen: Thunder and Lightening

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Majority of the day had been a bit of a blurr. But the best blurr.

The Scenes with Eddie and Chrissy in the trailer went epically and everyone was so impressed with him and his performance. He was honestly incredible and i was beaming with pride. He is so talented it was almost criminal.

Part of me felt sad when he was approached by everyone giving him praise and hugs from every direction. I ached to go just go up to him and kiss the fuck out of him. But i didnt want anyone to have any reason to think our relationship had gone to a whole other level. So i stayed far away. We literally made out twice and basically dry humped once this morning so we had crossed the line into a whole new territory that we needed to navigate at our own pace.

I just stood from a far, watching him and admirning him as he worked and as he shyly lit up from everyone around him and complimenting him. He was so adorable, i couldnt handle it. I had to make sure i wasnt lingering my gaze at him for too long as i didnt really want anyone else to notice and potentially question me. He looked over at me whenever he could and flashed me his intoxicating smile, eyes sometimes matching the ones id see while we were making out. Like he was craving me. In those moments it was very hard not to smile stupidly and bite my lip back at him. One thing i absolutley could not mask though was my mood, everything was going so perfectly and i was on cloud nine.

However, my cloud did flicker with a bit of lightening at the sight of him hugging Grace.

I had been seeing him hugging people whether it be cast, crew, male or female since production began and i never felt weird about it. But this hug.

This one was different. To say the least.

I watched as she ran over to him and flung her hands around his neck after finishing their last take, lifting her feet off the ground forcing him to hold her up. He put his head in her neck and held her there for a few moments before putting her down. Still quite close together and saying something to eachother. I was standing much too far away from them to be able to hear what they were saying but my eyes could see the smiles. I couldn't look anymore so i averted my eyes and focused on finding the girls from wardrobe to check a few things. So i left.

My heart dropped so hard i though it was going to fall out of me.

As i walked to wardrobe i couldnt help all the thoughts from bouncing around my head. Is there something there between them? Has he done with me what hes done with someone else? And if so was it Grace?

Wait, Why am i getting so upset though? I dont really have any right to dictate who he can or cannot potentially flirt or be with. He is a free man, I mean we have literally spent one night together.

He is single.

I am single.

Billie you need to relax.

He hasnt even asked you on a date.

I decided to drop it and not let it ruin my day or how i was feeling about Joseph. The negative thoughts in my head will just dissapate at one flash of that mans smile anyways so it was pointless to dwell on.

After spending about an hour or so talking to wardrobe and going over some questions they had about some of the looks to come, Mainly with eddie, I decided to head back to my trailer to catch up with Sam and head home for the day.

I was about 3 trailers away from mine. It was up in the back left corner of the lot surrounded by fenching and only a few trailers around it, all with their doors facing away from eachother. Making for lots of private passages between trailers. Suddenly i felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me into the gap between two trailers, out of sight of anyone that could be around. As i went to yell out a hand came up and cupped my mouth to stop me from making too much noise. Looking at the hand briefly all i saw where chunky silver rings and looked up to see my kidnappers face.


I smiled from the inside his hand and licked his palm. He pulled his hand away instantly looking between me and his hand a few times, a half disgusted half amused look on his face. "Ew Bils, thats disgusting, you dont know where my hands have been" he exclaimed with a laugh. "yeah i do" i smirked with a cheeky look as i leaned up against the trailer behind me, arms crossed. He winked at me, with a massive smile and bit his lip slightly, looking me up and down.

Negative thoughts dissapated.

He really did look so good as Eddie. If was so different, almost like it was a different person, especially when he put on the accent. This meeting right now feeling like i was with another person, it felt kind of wrong. But in a good way.

"Anyway, How was you day Bils?" He said leaning up against the the side of the other trailer behind him. "Yeah it was amazing" i said with a smile. "because of me or?" he smirked, looking away as he blushed. "well yeah but in more ways than one. You were killing it today, those scenes came out so well and Eddie is honestly perfection" i said with a smile, trying not to absolutley beam with pride. He looked up at me slightly shocked by my words but in a good way. "Really?" he asked, eyes looking like my word could make or break his life. "Of course J! you were incredible, Eddie is honestly one of the best characters ive ever seen and its all cause of you" i said blushing as i knew i was gushing outloud to him. "its all you J" i added, looking at him with genuine eyes before looking down at my feet as the blush covered my face.

Suddenly i saw his shoes approach mine followed by the feeling of his fingers gently placed under my chin lifting my head to look at him. We locked eyes for a few moments, enjoying just being enveloped by the warm tingly feeling it sent through us. I could see the adoration in his expression and how he looked at me forcing me to try and catch my breath for a moment.

"Let me take you out tonight" He said, breaking the silence.

The words exiting his mouth sending tingles over every inch of my body.

"Like a date?" I said hesitantly, worried its not what he meant. But he didnt miss a beat with his response.

"Of course! I'd be crazy not to" he laughed with a reassuring smile, moving his hands to either side of my face. Looking into my soul with his brown eyes. "I've wasted enough time already so i really dont want to waste anymore" he added.

"Where are we going?" I asked, the butterflies in my stomach pushing a smile onto my face.

"Wait, is thats a yes?" he said beaming.

"Do you really need it spelt out?" i laughed rolling my eyes jokingly.

"yes i do!" He laughed "im still kind of in shocked that you havent point blank said no already"

"Even after last night? your still in denial? The events of last night may be a common occurancy for you but they arent for me. I dont just do that with just anyone" i lauged harder and held his hands on my face, giving them a little squeeze

"Hey! last nights events are far from a common occurance for me... trust me. I also dont do that with just anyone" he laughed as he rubbed his tumb on my cheek "now please answer! is that a yes?"

Those words stamping on my doubts from before, so i responded.

"Of course.... I'd be crazy not to" smiling into his hands.

Ok now im on cloud 1000.

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