Chapter Five: Is nothing sacred anymore

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I think I downed two coffees and at least two serves of breakfast. I thought my nerves would have meant I wouldn't eat anything but as soon as Sam set a plate in front of me, I knew I was more hunger than nerves.

My table consisted of all the main Hellfire club members plus a few key crew and Sam. Joseph had been sat opposite me but got called over to the brothers table not long after we sat down and had been there talking since.

Great opportunity to stuff my face.

Gaten was sat to my left and Sam to my right. I'd had conversations with both before they trailed off to other people and now I had to try my best not to trail off to Joseph. He was leaning back in his chair with his arm over the back of an empty seat, smiling and laughing with the brothers. God what I would give to be in that empty seat right now. The thought made me squirm in my seat slightly.

"Your chair uncomfortable?" Sam turned to me, chin resting in her hand on the table.
"What? Um, no its fine I was just.. adjusting" i responded with a fake smile.
"Although a cushion wouldn't be a bad thing" I laughed looking down at my plastic fold out chair.

"I can always go ask Joseph if you can borrow his lap, im sure its very comfortable" Sam smirked. I shot my eyes up at her and she snorted slightly in amusement.
"Can you not? There are children present Captain horny" I yell whispered, scanning the table to make sure no one seemeded to have clocked on to our conversation.

"Oh come on Billie, ever since he mentally undressed you back there you guys are literally having head sex with eachother everytime you lock eyes. Ive known you for what, 7 years now, i know when you like someone." she exclaimed. I punched her arm, a little harder than just being playful combined with a harsh look and motioned her to be quieter.
"I'm just saying, it's like a weird game of mental sex tennis" she added.

I couldn't help but let put a laugh quietly, Sam joined me. "OK ok fine, I think he's super attractive but we're co workers Sam. I don't want anything to be weird. Besides, what is he has a girlfriend?! And even if he is single there are probably way prettier amd skinnier girls literally lined up waiting." I said finishing off my third coffee. The thought of him with someone else felt like a punch to the chest.

You need to calm down Billie. It's been like 4 hours.

Sam grabbed my hand pulling me to her, she had serious plastered across her face.
"Alright bitch, reality check." She pulled me in closer so she could be more quiet. "A. You know you are fine Billie, I mean look at this outfit you are any seeing mans wet dream. B. Don't even think about 'skinnier girls' bullshit cause its crap, you know I'd kill for your curves and C. If he does have a girlfriend we can write him off completely cause no decent man in a relationship eye fucks another girl for the better part of 4 hours" she exclaimed before leaning back into her own chair, crossing her arms, face still super serious.

I smiled at her, kinda greatful for what she said. When I first got to LA I was deffinatly bigger. My self confidence was zero and it still lingers with me, especially when on the subject of guys. It was easier not to eat so much when you were busy and living in LA it's not hard to grab healthier options. It took about a year or two but I slimmed down enough to where I was way more content with myself. I still had thighs, hips, boobs and a butt, but the fat had mostly disappeared where it mattered thank God. I thought this would make me feel more confident but the doubt and insecurity always found a way to creep in. I also didnt really think there was a difference in the amount of male attention I got either, none that I noticed anyways.

"Shes right Billie" I shot my head to my right to see who had chimmed in. My heart was racing. "Pretty sure you are every guy and girls wet dream" it was Maya. She had traded spots with Gaten and Gaten was now in Finns seat next to that as he went off to talk to Noah
While Sam and I were talking and we had not realised she was there. I had for sure started to blush at their words, making me feel very warm and fuzzy.

"Great, now Maya knows too" I sighed into my palms, rubbing my face. "One menacing wingman is enough but two? Oh god" I couldn't help but laugh through the dear god no feeling in my stomach.

"I mean its not like you two are hiding it very well" Maya laughed.
"Yeah there are so many rooms in this place, please get one." Someone added from behind Maya.

Oh fuck my life.

"Gaten!" I exclaimed "you keep your damn mouth shut you hear me" I pointed at him. Out of all the people who i would hate to know about this is was him. Devious as hell this one. He gave me a grin wiggling his eyebrows.
"As long as you do the same with your legs Billie" added Maya. "This is a place of bussiness after all"

Maya, Sam and Gaten all started laughing, trying their best to muffle the noise but to no avail. People at the table and other tables started to look over at the others laughing, wondering where the sound was coming from but quickly went back to their conversations. I reached over to all of them giving then a flick on their arms before sinking into my seat and trying to hid in my jacket. My eyes darted around the room to make sure no one was still looking and of course one person was still staring.


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