Chapter Thirty Three: One thing after another

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The first half of the movie I spent resting my head on josephs shoulder, sinking into his side and holding his hand. Every now and then doing our squeeze game and quietly sniggering at eachother. The second half of the movie however, I was more into it, remembering the small part I played in wardrobe and makeup. Seeing something that you know you have contributed too on that massive screen will never be a feeling that gets old. Everytime having to pinch myself that this is my job.

By the time it ended I was full leaned forward and immersed in the action.

As the credits started to roll, I came back to reality and realised how far forward I had got in my seat. I blushed and looked around to see if the others had noticed but they were all too busy discussing the film. All except Joseph of course who was leant back in his seat, watching me with a sweet smile. I blushed as I smiled back to him and covered myself by snuggling into him, he let out a chuckle and pulled me into him, kissing my forehead. "You're too cute" he whispered onto my head. Before kissing me again. I pulled away and looked at him for a second, just soaking up his beautiful face and his smile.

"Hey hey, Billie, your name should be coming up in a second!" Exclaimed Joe, tapping me on the arm, watching the screen intently. Everyone leaning forward slightly to try and spot my name. "Ay! There she is! Its our girl!" Yelled Gaten and they all started clapping like I'd jusy won a damn Oscar or something. I tried to protest their cheering as the remaining people in the cinema were all staring at us. I blushed harder and sank into my seat, laughing at their expressions. I turned to try and hide into Joseph again, but he was gone.

Where did he go?

I tried to hide my disappointment from seeing he'd just walked out without me but I tired to shake it off. The rest of us picked up our rubbish and put it in the bins before coming out of the cinema. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket

9:57PM - J 🎸
Just in the bathroom

Weird, why couldn't he have just said that to me back there?

After a about five minutes, Joseph finally emerged from the bathroom. He seemed and looked a little.... off. Like something was on his mind. And that smile he just gave me? Totally forced.

"You ok J?" I asked as he put his arm around my neck and walked with me back to the others waitinf at the doors for us to say goodbye. "Yeah im fine, just tired I guess. Its been a long day" he replied, his smile that time seeming slightly more genuine. I half smiled back as we reached the others. He seemed to perk up a little when we were saying our goodbyes which made me feel a little better for a moment. But I couldn't shake the weird feeling that something was up.

Joseph and I walked hand in hand back to the car, attempting to talk about the movie but my thoughts were far from that. I just wanted to know if he really was ok... Did I do something wrong?

We had already agreed that we would stay the night at my place as Sam would be at Joe's for the night. The car ride didn't make me feel any better as the conversation was slim to none. He had his hand on my thigh the entire way home, but he didn't do his usual gentle tickling along my leg, drawing shapes or giving me small squeezes. He just held his grip in the one spot. It was almost like he was worried I was going somewhere. His eyes were glued to the road, no matter how many times I looked at him wishing I could see his face so I could read it better. From what little i could see, he seemed troubled and almost scared and it was combination I didn't like.

Not at all.

The drive to mine felt like it was taking forever. The odd silence between us not helping. Once at the house we headed inside and straight to my room to get ready for bed. I set my bag down on my desk and went to find some pjs. Joseph went straight to the bathroom and shut the door. A few moments later I heard the shower start.

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