Chapter Twenty Eight: In it together

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I woke up to the soft sound of the shower running and a still warm right side of my bed where Joseph had been laying. He must have only just got up. I rolled over onto his side to lay in the warmth for a moment, the pillow smelling like him. I smiled into it. My alarm hadn't gone off just yet, it was only 5:48, I had 12 minutes before I also had to get up. I stretched and rubbed my eyes still feeling like I could easily sleep for another 10 hours. Joseph and I didn't go to sleep till about 1AM. I could still feel a slight sinking feeling in my stomach about going back to work. But I did feel better knowing that Joseph and I had made up.

Twice 😏

We ended up just talking for ages before we eventually put the movie back on. Half way through Joseph decided that he needed a snack so we quietly headed downstairs.

"Why do you make so much noise when you walk J? No one would survive in A Quiet Place with you around" I whispered as we passed the door to Sam's room and crept down the stairs. "You talking is making it worse" He laughed quietly. I rolled my eyes but I wasn't looking at him as he was behind me and I was concentrating on not falling down the dark stairs.

Once in the kitchen I turned on the light above the stove as it wasn't too bright but enough so that we could see what we were doing. I hopped up on the counter and snacked at some grapes in our fruit bowl as I watched him rummage though our cupboards and our fridge. He "hmm"ed a few times, thinking, as he looked before picking a few things out. Once he had decided he turned to me, a bar of chocolate in one hand, 2 cans of soda in the other and a packet of chips dangling from his mouth. I giggled at him. "what?" he said through the gritting of his teeth as he still had the chips in his mouth. "Did you not eat dinner or something J?" I said shaking my head as I relived his mouth of the packet of chips.

"Yeah I did, but I haven't really been eating much the last few days" He said with a slight hesitation. "Because of me?" I sighed, now riddled with guilt. "Well I was worried about you" he replied noticing my expression and walking over to me. He put the snacks down gently next to me. "Come here silly, its fine, I'm just glad your feeling a bit better now" He stood between my legs and pulled me into a hug. I nuzzled into his shoulder, taking in a deep breath smelling his comforting scent.

God how I had missed it.

"Yeah, I defiantly feel better now that we have talked as its what I was dreading most" I said into his neck. "Just have to face everyone else now". He pulled away from the hug and rested his hands on my knees. "Well you don't have to do it alone, I'll be there with you. I'm sure seeing us together will get people to stop talking about it, or as much as it can I guess" I looked up at him. "You mean like, showing people that we are together?" I said, butterflies in my stomach going out of control. "Even with all this crap going on?"

"Of course! It'll at least prove to anyone who wants to talk that its all just a bunch of shit and show everyone that your not with him. You're mine Bils and I want everyone to know that." He said, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. My smile was huge. "I have no idea what I did to deserve you. How the fuck did I get so lucky?" I laughed softly, wiping a tear from my cheek before cupping the back of his neck with my hands, gently caressing a few of his curls. He let out a sigh "I'm not sure to be honest, you had to of been a saint in a past life or something." He laughed as he ran his fingers gently up and down my arms a few times, kissing the inside of them a few times before leaning forward and putting his hands either side of me on the counter top. "Wouldn't surprise me" I laughed back before he smiled and kissed me softly. My lips tingling at the feeling of his on mine again.

The kiss was tender and sweet but after a minute or so it turned more needy. His hands found their way to my thighs. Then from my thighs to my waist, lifting my sleep shirt up with them. His hands cold from leaning on the bench and making me shiver. I pulled him into me and my hands in my favourite spot, his curls. His hands slide up my back under my shirt before he pulled me into him making my ass slide closer to the edge of the counter and right up against his bulge. I moaned quietly into his lips as I felt him through my underwear that was now pressed up against him.

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