Chapter Seven: Welcome to Hellfire

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As I walked up to set, I was greeted by the brothers and a few other crew members, we chatted for a few minutes before I was ushered over to the filming set up. We spoke about the lighting, where everyone would be sat and details about the scene set up.

We were filming the DnD campaign scene today. A couple of the extra cast were already waiting around at one right side of the room near Eddies seat and having a look at the setup, talking between them. On the other side Finn and Gaten were having their makeup touched up. Both waved over at me when they saw me. I waved back and laughed as Finn's makeup artist playfully pocked him with a powder brush for moving too much.

One of the lighting crew came over to double check about the lighting for the DnD table and we spoke for a few minutes, then a door over behind Gaten and Finn opened.

"Keep that up and you'll leave here today with one eye Finn" the man spoke with a laugh before hugging the boys. It honestly took me a second to realise who it was, but it was Joseph.

Jesus mother fucking Christ.

I had seen some shots of him in the gear as I had to approve the looks, but I had yet to see it all put together in the flesh. Especially not with the wig. I felt my heart literally palpitate and I had to take probably the deepest breath I have ever had to do.

He. Looked. So. Hot.

Everything from the wig to the outfit to even the small details like the rings and the scarf in his back pocket. It all looked so good together and he was pulling it off amazingly. I felt a warm tingling down below. I gripped my clip board to my chest so hard I thought that I might snap it in half and biting my lip hard.

"Billie?" a voice said, snapping me back to reality and away from the though of making out with him Joe and Sam style in his costume. "Billie, can you check to make sure the table is set up properly. One of the props crew thinks some stuff is missing" they continued.

I turned to them and nodded, acknowledging what they were saying before heading over to the scene.

I tried to keep my eyes averted away from Joseph's direction and focus on the task at hand as I walked over to the table with one of the props crew to go over the DnD set up on the large table.

Reaching the table, instantly there were multiple things wrong with the set up. Oh god dont stress yourself out Billie. Eddies set up was off and had the wrong books set up, the rest of the group didn't have the right number of dice, the scene set up around the table felt a bit off and a bunch of other things wrong with set up got me a little flustered. After about 20 minutes we had managed to get it all sorted but my flustered state mixed with the heat from the lighting made me heat up under my jacket fast.

So, I decided to take it off.

I took off my jacket and went to stand out of the shot with Sam who had followed me to set just a few minutes behind after composing herself.

"He's staring at you again, just a pre warning" she whispered as I reached her. "I know" I responded with a blush as I had caught him twice out of the corner of my eye. "He needs to get his shit together and actually undress you." Sam added, nudging me and I stood at her side now both facing the table set up. I nudged her back and shared a quiet laugh. "Ok everyone quiet on set" Ross yelled "and action"

Sam and I observed the scene in silence. My silence came from the sheer awe of watching joseph act out the scene. He was so in tune with this character and was literally everything the brothers and I had hoped and more for Eddie. He was so exaggerated and comical with what looked like minimal effort which was extremely impressive.

We did a few takes but I couldn't help but feel like something was off. The brothers yelled cut and I could hear them talking between them, obviously realizing too that something was off with the scene.

I took a minute trying to put my finger on it. "Hey, Billie" Matt said over to me from his chair. "You feel anything kind of off?" everyone was looking over at me at this point. No pressure at all. Shit.

"I think it's the lighting" I replied, looking at the set up and contemplating. "It needs to be moodier, more serious. This is Vecna after all"

I got the lighting crew to change the overhead lighting to a brighter and warmer hue along with surrounding lights to be kept minimal with just the candles to keep the focus on the table and make it feel more serious. I returned to Sam after I was finished, and the brothers had approved before doing another take.

We managed to get through the whole scene, and it looked amazing. Joseph was amazing. "Ok guys let's do lunch and then come back in an hour or so" announced Ross.

A low hum of chitchat erupted between people in the room. The cast hugging and high fiving each other and talking amongst themselves, beaming, and generally buzzed from the scene.

"Hey, you" said a voice from behind Sam and I. We turned to see that it was Joe. He gave Sam a lingering hug, arms around her waist "want to go get some food?" he asked her. She nodded in response and turned to me with puppy dog eyes and pouted lip as if to say pwitty pwease as she knew we were supposed to go get lunch together today. I caved. "Go on then, lovebirds get out of here before I vomit" I said pushing them out the set door, smiling to myself as I watched them walk off together.

They were honestly the cutest.

"Well, Keery doesn't waste any time does he.." said a deep British accent. I turned to see Joseph standing next to me, arms crossed also watching them stroll away. I turned my eyes back to them getting smaller in the distance and avoiding making eye contact with Joseph as my cheeks went red from his smile. Deep breath.

"Yeah, its sick making isn't it" I replied "they are so cute together though" wishing that it were joseph and I in my mind.

Focus Billie.

"How long has that been going on?" I saw him look over at me out of the corner of my eye. "Not that long I don't think but wasn't brought to my attention till I walked in on them in my trailer this morning" I laughed looking over at him. His jaw dropped and shock enveloped his face. "Jesus no! Do tell!" he exclaimed.

I laughed at his reaction as it was the most adorable thing ever. "I think I'm going to need some food before I relive that torture again" I giggled into my clipboard. "Well let's go then, I need the goss" he said rubbing his hands together in excitement.

Keep calm Billie its just lunch. What could go wrong?

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