Chapter Fifty Six: Getting Caught Up

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After a short 10-minute taxi ride to Soho from the hotel we reached my soon-to-be apartment building. My realtor and her assistant were waiting for us out front to greet us before they showed us inside. Stepping into the apartment it felt extremely surreal, there was no furniture like there had been in its pictures, and when I snuck off for a few days to come to view it. The mid-morning sun was bursting through the windows in every room. One of the windows at the top of the spiral staircase shone down and cast a large shadow in the foyer. The warm light tickled my skin as the sun caught me before I headed into the main living area. 

It was just as perfect as when I first viewed it...

I was just as in love with this place as much as I was the first time I saw it. I could imagine myself here, sitting on the couch, making dinner, watching a movie. All with Joseph, of course, he was the key part of all of my plans or thoughts. We handled the paperwork and the money side of things reasonably quickly to get it out of the way, it was the most money I have ever sent in one transaction that's for damn sure. I could feel the nerves riddle my stomach as they handed me the keys. I took a deep breath as I looked down at them in my hand. I would never in my eldest dreams have thought that I'd be here, doing this.

£1.5 million in keys, Jesus Christ...

Once everything was done, they congratulated me and left Joseph and me to enjoy my new place. I studied a gift basket and massive flowers left to me as a gift from the realtor. I watched Joseph for a minute from the kitchen as he commented on how much he liked the place as he went to look out of the windows in the living room. A smile crept onto my lips as I watched him before heading out to the balcony and observing my view. I stood there a moment just breathing in the cool air and letting my skin absorb the vitamin D.

"Well, it's safe to say that this place is perfect for you Bils" Spoke Joseph as he stepped out onto the balcony behind me, shutting the door behind him. I turned to see his beaming smile approach me as he came up to my side and looked at the view. "Not sure if I'm more jealous or proud" he teased, nudging me with a wink.

"I'm glad you think so" I replied, chuckling at his comment "It's gonna be a massive adjustment but it feels like home already. Only because you're here of course" He placed his hand on mine and squeezed it.

"You are too cute for your good, you know that?" he smiled over at me as he used my hand to turn me to face him, both of us leaning on our sides up against the balcony wall. "What's the plan with this place whilst you aren't here though?"

"Well, I'm going to try and organize for it to be furnished whilst we're here. At least that way we can use it if we need a place to stay when we come to visit."

"We?" Joseph turned to me.

"Of course! I know you have your place but you are always welcome to stay here if you need when you come back to visit. Plus I hope your cute ass will spend most of your free time here when I move in" I chuckled as I lifted a spare key to his face. His expression turned shocked instantly as he tentatively took the key from my hand. I was a little confused as to why he remained so serious, no smile followed his lips. "Why do you look so shocked? You have a key to my place back in Atlanta" 

"Yes but, this is your actual home. This is going to be your place, it's completely personal and private. So it's a big deal to me that you trust me like that" He spoke quietly, still playing with the key in his hand. 

"I love you J, of course, I trust you. I would trust you with literally anything" I spoke quietly in response before moving closer to him, lowering my head to line up with his and pressing my lips against his. This sparked the smile I had been waiting for. He pulled me into him and furthered the kiss before pulling away.

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