Chapter Sixty Six: Tenting

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The pounding in my head that I woke up to the next day felt like a door being rammed over and over again in rapid succession by an eighteen-wheeler. I wanted to get up cause I really needed to pee but I quickly realised that movement was not my friend right now. I groaned as I felt the room spin in a dimly lit haze, the only light creeping in through a small gap in the floor-to-ceiling drapes of Maya's guest bedroom. I lay perfectly still as I stared at the off-white ceiling, letting my eyes adjust and waiting for the room to stop spinning for a moment. I felt something holding me down under the covers and I registered a very naked Joseph next to me, holding me captive with his heavy Unconcious arm.

I managed a small smile through my thoughts of wanting to remove my brain as it hurt so bad. I gently rolled my head to the side and reached out to grab my phone from the side table. It was nearly eight am, far too early to be awake after a night of too much drinking but I don't think this headache is going to allow me to go back to sleep anytime soon. I knew I had to get to the bathroom soon, Josephs's arm pushing into my bladder more so I decided to just go for it and hope I dont fall on my ass. I gently reached down and removed his arm from my bare stomach. I waited to see if he would stir as I placed his arm down on the mattress but luckily he didn't. That was until I stood up from the bed and he groaned, rolling over onto his other side, revealing his tone bareback and cute ass.

I swear it's nicer than mine... Regardless if what he says...

I grabbed his shirt from last night from the mess of clothes strewn across the floor as I bit my lip, checking him out briefly. I tip-toed to the bathroom door behind me and breathed a sigh of relief after finding painkillers whilst washing my hands. I popped two of the magic pills in my mouth and tossed my hair up into a messy ponytail before heading back to the bedroom, finding Joseph now awake and on his phone.

"Morning" I spoke softly as I shut the door behind me.

"Morning" He replied with his sexy groggy morning voice, looking up at me from his screen briefly but instantly doing a double take, eyeing up my naked body underneath the open white button-down shirt. A smirk rose to his lips. "Damn, if I wasn't so hungover I swear to god"

"Maybe these will help" I sent him a blushing smile as I chucked him the strip of painkillers and pointed to a half-empty bottle of water on the side table next to him.

"Do they stop me from wanting to take my shirt back? It's kinda blocking my view" his grin was mischievous as fuck.

"No, but they might make you less of a cheeky bastard" I scoffed. 

"Wow, well they made you sassy for sure" He quipped with his mouth slightly agape. 

"Oh shut up" I giggled as I stepped to the side of the bed.

"Make me" he smirked.

He swigged the water and swallowed the pills but he didn't take his eyes off me as he did which sent a warmth through to my core that I knew damn well I was in too much pain to follow through with. That was until I looked down his chest to the sheets that just covered his hips and saw the tent that had formed. 

Ok maybe quickly...

He caught sight of what I was not so subtly looking at and he chuckled lightly.

"Does sex work as a hangover cure?" I asked, trailing my eyes over his bare chest and messy bed hair. The light from the drapes behind him highlighted the side of his face and I could clearly see the brown in his eyes darkening. I found myself feeling wet practically instantly and my core ached for him to be inside me.

"Only one way to find out" He winked and that's all it took before I practically pounced on him, ignoring my headache completely. 

He pushed the strands of hair that had fallen from my ponytail out of my face as his hands cupped my cheeks and pulled me down into him as I rested my legs on either side of his hips. Our lips moved together in hungry haste as if we hadn't been drunkenly making out in bed not even five hours ago. Our grip on each other was intense and heated, practically clawing at each other. Josephs's hand moved from my face and firmly ripped the bed sheet down from his waist, leaving his erection to slap against my entrance. My mouth opened as I gasped which he took advantage of by pushing his tongue into mine. 

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