Chapter Thirty Six: Still not convinced

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"So you guys have said it to each other?!" exclaimed Natalia as I helped to finish off her makeup for her scenes today. "That's exactly what she just said" Replied Maya with a laugh. Natalie rolled her eyes "Ok ok, I just wanted to clarify! This is big news." she smiled up at me as I dabbed foundation on her. One of the makeup artists was off sick and I wasn't busy so I said I would help. I had already finished Maya but she decided to stay and chat with us. "I know" I blushed with a small smile tugging at my mouth "I didn't say it in the best way to begin with but its fine now" I added with a chuckle. Natalie sat up in her chair, her expression suddenly scared for the explanation of the first time I told Joseph I Loved him.

"What do you mean?" she said hesitantly. I let out a sign and looked at Maya, my facial expression letting her know that I couldn't be bothered explaining it again. "ok fine ill tell her" she said as she hoped up from the couch and told Natalie the details before she then sat down on the other makeup chair next to us, playing with my brushes. "Oh god, was that when you found out about the Chris stuff?" she exclaimed, I nodded my head slowly. "Jesus, but I mean at least that's all good now anyways, its been like what a two months? Pretty sure its old news" she chuckled with a reassuring smile. It may be to the rest of the world but it still played in my mind at least once daily. Undenounced to them however, the new topic at the fore front of my mind currently was telling Joseph about my trip to hospital. I still hadn't managed to find the right time to tell him. I mean when the hell is a good time to talk about something like that?

"Afternoon ladies" said a voice as the door to the trailer opened. "Jesus is it afternoon already?" Said Maya and she looked down at her watch. "Holy crap! We've been in here like two hours" she exclaimed in shock. It was a pretty normal amount of time for makeup but I didn't feel like we had been in there that long. Time sure does fly when your talking about my personal life. Joseph walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek before taking a seat on the couch. Last I saw him before I started doing the girls makeup, he was Eddie, but now he was back to himself. The room went somewhat quiet now that he was here. It didn't go unnoticed. "What's with the sudden silence?" he asked, looking up from his phone, eye brows raised. "where you guys talking about me or something?" he chuckled jokingly, but our continued silence spoke volumes. "oh you actually were" he rubbed the back of his neck and blushed a little. "Only good things though, don't you worry" laughed Natalie as she winked at me.

"Ok were done" I said, putting down my powder brush and moving to pack my stuff into my bag. "Well thank you" she said giving my arm a squeeze as she hopped up from the chair. "Were gonna love you and leave you love birds" Announced Maya with a cheeky smile "But we will see you guys tonight right?" she said looking from me to Joseph. "Sure will" I replied, joseph nodding in agreement also. "Coolio, see you guys then" Maya smiled as she and Natalia walked out, shutting the door behind us. It was Maya's birthday tomorrow so she was throwing a party at her house tonight. She said she wanted it to be fancy cause she's "getting old and old people wear fancy shit", as she put it. So cocktail attire was required.

Joseph and I had already got our outfits but I requested for us not to see each other until the night of, just to surprise each other. He kept asking me what I was wearing, even just the colour but I refused. It was hard when he gave me his big puppy eyes but somehow I managed to hold out. As I finished packing up my makeup bag, Joseph jumped up from the couch and bounded over to me, wrapping his hands around my waist and kissing my cheek. I giggled at his cute and goofy behaviour. "Someone's in a good mood" I stated before turning around to face him and wrapping my arms round his neck. His face still covered in a goofy smile.

It was fucking adorable.

"Well I'm excited to see what you're wearing later!" he exclaimed happily, planting multiple soft kisses on my lips. "I mean you cant possibly get anymore stunning but I'm still excited" He added. "You will just have to wait and see wont you" I replied, kissing him back. This kiss not ending though. We stood there, lips moving onto of each other in a cute make out session. Both of us giggling and smiling like idiots into each others lips. His hands around my waist still and mine now in his hair gently. I love working with my Boyfriend. These make out sessions through the day were my highlight. Some more heated than others but this was sweet and playful.

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