Chapter Fourty Four: New Favourite Spot

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"Do I want an Oreo milkshake or a triple chocolate milkshake?" I asked as I scanned over the menu.

We were at a small Diner near the edge of town that was very cute, super old fashioned American diner. Classic booth seating with the red leather and silver metal trimmings, matching bar stools lining the counter. The waitresses outfits also very on brand and honestly kind of cute. Light pink aprons with a frilly white dress underneath, slight puffing to the sleeves. We had heard great things about it from the others, specifically Joe and Gaten who had said that the fried chicken burger was to die for on more more than one occasion. 

"Well I was eyeing up the Oreo one so if you get the triple chocolate we can share them?" Joseph replied as he put down his menu, looking over at me.

"Deal" I smiled back to him sitting opposite me in the comfy red leather booth seat. We had already started playing footsie with each other under the table.

The brothers had called off shooting for today so that Maya and I could rest, plus everyone barely slept so no one was really in a good way to film anything. It was a nice day outside too now that it was coming into spring, the harsh cold air seemed to have lifted ever so slightly thanks to the more visible sun. The nights were still chilly when the sun went down, especially last night while we were filming.

The coldness of the air made even cooler with the loss of sun after it went down. It just reminded me of every thing that happened. I had tried to push it to the back of my mind even though I tried to act like it was all no big deal, maybe it had effected me more than I realised. Or liked to admit. I'd even ended up having a small dream about it while I slept next to joseph in the hospital. I had basically just relived what had happened but worse.

In my dream I didn't reach Maya. I watched as her lifeless body just kept sinking further and further out of reach like she was being dragged down or I was being pulled back. She was eventually pulled put by the others who came in after me, but she wasn't breathing. She wasn't moving. I felt the tears sting my eyes as my mind suddenly flashed with what it was like to see my-

"Bils you ok? you seem lost in a thought, and not a nice one" Joseph said softly bringing me out of my blank stare. He had reached out and was holding my hands. I hadn't even noticed. "Oh yeah, no I'm fine" I lied, trying to force a smile. He didn't look too convinced unfortunately but he didn't get the chance to reply as we were interrupted. Thank god.

"What would you kids like?" A voice said sweetly suddenly next to us, I looked up to see a waitress, she was odder but she was pretty. Her smile infectious. Her name tag read Francine.

"Can we get two of the fried chicken burgers" Joseph looking up at me briefly, raising his eyebrows, just to double check that's what I wanted. I nodded with a smile which he returned. "one triple chocolate milkshake and one Oreo milkshake please?" Joseph replied. 

"Of course you can, I'll get that ready for you" She took Josephs menu from him before turning to me. "Thank you Francine" I said with a smile as I handed her mine, she nodded back to me with a bigger smile. I would assume its probably from being referred to by her actual name and not just excuse me or miss

"I feel like we're in Grease or something. This place is so cute" I added to Joseph as she walked behind the counter to place our order. "I would have killed to be in that movie"

"Yeah its pretty cool isn't it" he replied as he looked at our surroundings briefly before looking back at me. "How are you feeling?" He reached for my hands again and gave them a gentle squeeze, his expression compassionate with the small head tilt to one side "like genuinely, are you doing ok? I know yesterday was, traumatic to say the least"

I took a small deep breath, and averted my eyes. I don't really feel like I can lie to him, but I also don't want to get upset. I feel like he's seen me cry far too many times for this early on in our relationship.

"Um yeah, I think so" I replied softly. His eyebrows raised a little, his expression turning quizzical and slightly concerned with his half smile. "I mean im physically fine, but it all just brings back.... memories, you know" I swallowed hard to try and be rid of the lump forming in the throat.

"Memories?" He asked softly, head tilting more to attempt to regain eye contact with me. I'd never gone into full detail about my mums passing so I assumed he was a little confused.

"Yeah, just of mum. I was um... I was with her when she passed, so seeing Maya like that" I took another deeper breath, biting my lip to try and hold my composure. "It just reminded me of seeing my mum like that"

Joseph closed his eye and took a deep breath himself, shaking his head lightly. He let go of my hands and got up, scooting into the booth next to me and bringing me into a hug. He didn't say anything, and neither did I, he just held me. The silence was knowing that nothing further needed to be said.

I always felt so safe with him. Like I could be myself and not be judged and as of late, I knew now that I could tell him everything and anything. Which felt amazing. With Chris I never really got that feeling. I felt safe with him for sure, but our relationship was always slightly rocky and it made me shut down on most topics, I didn't want to rock the boat further with my messed up life.  Joseph was different, sure he hadn't told me anything remotely like what I had told him. But I was thankful that he seemed to of had a somewhat normal life. No drama, just Joseph and his amazing self. It did make me feel almost guilty however, that I brought so much baggage and drama into his world. Though I knew deep down that he didn't care. He loves me and I love him, that's all that matters.

"Here you go lovlies, two shakes two burgers" Francine placed our meals down infront of us with a sweet smile. Joseph and I both thanked her before we dug in.

The burgers were for sure just as good as Joe and Gaten had described them, if not better. The milkshakes were also amazing but super filling to the point where Joseph downed most of the shakes and his own burger and fries as i couldn't finish mine. I alsp couldn't help but smile and giggle at his happy moans as he ate.

"Jesus J, do you and your burger need a room?" I scoffed as I took a last sip of milkshake before I was well and truly full.

"Mmhmm" he nodded excitedly. "I think I'm in love" his mouth still full of food.

"Great, I've been replaced by another chick" I joked throwing my hands up in defeat. Joseph sniggered and nearly choked on the new love of his life at my pun.

"Yeah sorry baby, you are my side hoe now" he mumbled, looking at me with a goofy, full cheeked grin as he finished the last bite of his burger, closely followed by the last of his fries.

"Wow" I said in a faked mad tone. "First bird you meet with nice breasts, and poof, I'm kicked to the curb"

Joseph laughed again, shaking his head at me. "You are really on a roll with those chicken jokes aren't you? It's almost impressive"

"Almost!? Im killing it! My jokes are always better when I wing it" I retorted, wriggling my eyebrows at him.

"Jesus, what on earth am I dating?" He rested his head on his hand looking at me, scooping a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Well not me apparently! I've been replaced" I scolded him and folded my arms jokingly. He chuckled and pulled my arms apart with a smile and so he could pull me into a hug, kissing my head.

"Someone's jealous" he teased, using one hand to tickle my waist. I squirmed and swatted his hand away. "Dont worry, you still have the better breasts" he whispered close to my ear, making me blush hard.

I looked up at him, he studied my face for a moment with a sweet smile before kissing me lovingly. He brought one hand up to cup my face, securing my lips to his. There was no movement, the kiss just lingered, before he removed his lips slowly and gently. It sent tingles all over, I could honestly have just melted into him or stayed like that forever. As I felt the coldn air hit my lips after he removed his from mine, my eyes fluttered open. His deep brown eyes gazing into my soft blue ones as he smiled delicately.

"I think this is my new favourite spot" he spoke quietly.

"The diner?" I replied.

"No, just right here like this, with you"

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