Chapter Fifty: The Pool Party - Side B (Josephs POV)

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I raised my eyebrows at her for an answer but she remained silent, she was embarrassed for sure. I don't think she thought I would say any of that outloud, especially with people present. Lots of people. I didn't exactly want to bring it up but I couldn't help it. I didn't want her to get away with acting all sweet and innocent with everyone, it was driving me insane to be honest. She knew exactly how to push my fucking buttons and she was pressing all of them. Everyone should know exactly what she is really like.

I felt Billie shoot her eyes at me and squeezed my arm. I hadnt told her why thungs eneded with my last two gurlfriends. I could tell she was upset by it. I could also feel everyone else's shocked gazes on me too, moving between us.

"Very quiet all of a sudden over there Charlotte" I spoke, feeling the anger swell in me more and more. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to egg her on but I couldn't help myself.

"I still don't know why you have it in your head that I cheated on you, its all bullshit." she pushed.

I took a deep breath to try to suppress my coursing anger "Are you joking? That's a good joke" I chuckled. "You know they all told me right? Showed me the messages.. Jason is my best mates brother, did you really think they would make that shit up?"

Charlotte continued to be quiet again but I could see the cogs turning in her head, her rage covering her face. This is what she's like. She gas lighted the shit out of me when I found out that she had cheated and convinced me that I was paranoid, I even nearly lost my best friend because of her. She was manipulative, malicious and calculated and I should have never of given her the benefit of the doubt. There was no way in hell I could be civil with her now, and no way in hell I was going to let her near Billie. Who knows what other madeup crap she would spout to her if Charlotte got the chance.

"Oh come on, we both know that you messed around too Josepsh! Don't play the victim here!" she replied, throwing her hands around. The nerve of this woman is bigger than I remembered. I probably shouldn't use the word woman either. Billie is a woman, she's all woman. This one is a girl, stuck in her stupid girlish ways.

"Wow" I chuckled, not shocked at her words in the slightest. Always making me the bad guy. "I never cheated on you Charlotte and you know that. You KNOW that. Stop trying to pin this all on me as usual! You are a manipulative bitch with nothing better going on in your life so you are just trying to come after mine."

A few moments of deafining silence surrounded the pool. I looked over at Billie who was watching me intently. Her face angry but with a fleck of sadness.

"At least Jason knew how to fuck" she added, glaring at me.

Everyone in the pool and surrounding let out shocked noises, Joe and Sam both said a collective what the fuck. Billie scoffed.

"Ok were done here, good job on showing your true colours" I scoffed as I took Billie by the hand and began to lead her out of the pool. I knew what Charlotte wanted and that was a screaming match. I'm not going to give in to her pathetic behaviour any longer.

"Dont walk away from me when I'm talking to you" she Yelled from behind us as I reached the steps. I stopped and turned to look at her dead in the eyes.

"I think you've talked enough, have a good night" I retorted before continuing up the stairs. I heard her scoff.

"Don't go guys please, let's just go inside" begged Maya.

"Come on let's just leave her to chill out" added Gaten.

"Joseph, I said I'm not finished" she Yelled again

I suddenly felt Billie loose grip on my hand with a sharp tug. I looked back to see Charlotte with a fist full of Billie's hair in her hand as she had pulled her all the way down from the middle of the stairs and into the pool. Billie spluttering as she came back up and out ofbthe water after being duncked. Everyone around us were shouting and making their way over to them to get Charlotte off her. I threw myself back down the stairs and to Billie.

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