Chapter Thirty Seven: Dancing Queen

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"Ok, who's in for a shot?" Asked Maya, loud enough for us to hear her over the music. Joe, Sam and Natalia all replied as we all walked over to the bar that she had hired for the night. "Billie, Joseph you in?" she asked. "Anything for the birthday girl" I replied for a wink, she responded with a wink back. Everyone looked at Joseph. "Come on Joseph, ill personally be offended if you don't do at least one shot with my for my birthday!" exclaimed Maya giving him puppy eyes. "I though this was an adult party, I don't know of many adults who still shot tequila" he chuckled back at her, Maya rolled her eyes. "Ok but as an adult I can make my own rules and my rules state that we do shots, now are you in or not?" she said again, with her eyebrows raised.

Everyone chimed in trying to convince him to at least have one. His face smirking as he shook his head, he looked over at me under his arm. I gave him a little nudge and mouthed just one up to him. "Your no help" he whisper laughed down at me "Fine fine, but just one" he sighed and everyone exclaimed happily, Joe giving him a pat on the back "Just hold your breath mate" He teased, giving Joseph a wink. "I've done this enough times I think ill be ok" Joseph laughed with a wink back. Maya quickly handed out the shots and we stood in a circle. "We ready?" Asked Natalia lifting her shot glass up. Everyone nodded and lifted theirs as well. "Happy Birthday Maya!" I exclaimed, everyone else chiming in too with birthday wishes as we tossed the shots back. Personally I hate tequila and I pretty much gagged on mine, Natalia noticing and nearly choking on hers with laughter. I shot her a half embarrassed half amused look as I felt the warm liquid fly down my throat.

In Mayas main living area it was all open plan. Very sleek and modern with the kitchen living room and dining room all in one spot. Just the dining table had been moved so the bar could take its place and the living room furniture had been moved for a DJ and a light up dance floor that she also hired and her kitchen bench was covered in catered food. "Is the only adult aspect of this party the dress code?" I said, leaning into Mayas ear as I spoke so she could hear me. "Yeah pretty much, my rules right?" she laughed in response. I nodded in agreeance. I honestly don't even remember the last time I went out to a club or a bar or even a party like this. It had been a long time. "Do you want another one?" she asked giving me a smirk. I pretended to think for a second "as long as its not tequila" I replied "done, anyone else?" she pipped up, in case anyone else wanted another. The boys both shook theirs heads, watching us as they chatted between them. But the girls all said yes to one more.

"Can we get eight more but vodka" said Maya to the Bar tender and he started setting up the glasses. "wait what? eight?!" I exclaimed, my eyes widening at all the little glasses slowly being filled to the brim with the vodka. "Yeah two each, I don't plan on remembering much of tonight" Maya laughed as she passed out the shots. I looked over at Joseph who was still talking to Joe, a glass of something in his hand that matched Joe's. He raised an eyebrow at me, lifted his glass and mouthed Good luck with a wink before taking a sip of his drink. "Here" said Maya pulling my attention back to them as she handed me my two shots. The other girls let out a small groan. "Come on guys, we can go back to an actual drink after" Maya stated before we all tossed back our first shots. I could feel the effects of the first one hitting me already and this one will probably add to that shortly.

Gotta love liquid courage. Even if its extremely gross.

"I don't think I can do another one" said Natalia, her face scrunched up from the taste. "Same here" Said Sam, her facial expression similar. "We've already had a few drinks I don't think we need to do two" continued Sam as he put her second shot back on the bar, as did Natalia. "What? oh come one, don't waste them" Maya wined giving them a hurt look. I stood their contemplating for a second. Fuck it. "I got it" I stated before tossing back my second one and moving to the bar about to toss back both of the other girls second shots. "Yes Billie!" yelled Joe over us and the music "Oh you go Billie" clapped Maya with a shocked smile as I tossed back one and then the other. The others clapped and yelled words of encouragement Sam high fiving me as I turned around. I did a little curtsy as I giggled.

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