Chapter Thirteen: Screw it

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"Why don't I handle those and maybe you can try and put that bracket in the wall over there for me" I laughed, taking the handcuffs from him, motioning my head to the spot on the wall and pointing to the bracket and screwdriver on the bedside table. "your call boss, just hope you know what your doing with those." he said giving me a smirk as he went past me to grab the tools. I let out a smill snigger as i went to hang the handcuffs up on the wall infront of me.

"oh J, i think the less you know about that the better" i laughed as i stepped back to look at them on the wall. I smiled to myself at the little comment. It was very cheeky i know. but i kinda couldnt help it. I was still feeling the intoxicating effects of our moment before. In doing so though i missed his reaction to my comment, but hopfully id be able to catch a similar reaction to something else another time.

I continued with setting up some more props whilst he tried to screw the bracket into the wall, just general chat back and fourth between us. We had been doing this for about half an hour till suddenly..

"Ah! shit.." Joseph exclaimed and dropped the scredriver. I shot around and over to him and saw him cradling his hand. "crap, are you ok? let me see" i said instantly grabbing his hands and opening them. He had managed to get three of the four screws in but as he was doing the last one the screwdriver darted to the left and stabbed him in the palm below his thumb. There was a decent stream of blood running down his hand and onto mine and down onto our clothes.

"Jesus J" i exclaimed. I pulled the right sleeve down of my jumper and used it to apply pressure to his hand and stop the blood from going everywhere. As i was doing so i could feel his eyes on me. But i just wanted to concentrate on getting to a first aid kit. "Alright clumsy lets get this bandaged" I giggled as i began to pull him out of the room and out of the set by his hurt hand as i was still applying pressure to it. "Hey! Its not my fault you have a shit screwdriver" he laughed back, wincing a little at the pain in his hand. "Dont blame the screwdriver!" i scoffed with a smile. We left everything in the room besides my phone in case i needed to call someone. I hadent really got a good look at the wound so i wasnt sure how bad it was just yet.

I sat him down on my trailers couch once we got inside and i went to the bathroom to grab my first aid kit. "Im having some mixed feelings about being on this couch Bils" he said making a grossed out face reffering to Sam and Joes shinanigins. "J we have more pressing matters right now, we can talk about your avasion to intimate relations at another time." i laughed as i sat on the coffee table infront of him. "hey theres nothing wrong with it, i just dont really wanna sit in it" he said with an uncomfortable laugh.

I smirked and gently grabbed his hand to clean it up. He winced as i cleaned the cut. I looked down at the cut with a worried look then back up to him. The look on my face made his drop instantly. "what? whats with the face" he said looking at his hand trying to figure out why i looked so concerened. "i think were going to have to amputate" i exclaimed dramatically. "i dont think it can be saved J" trying my best to keep the concerened face when i looked at him. But i broke quickly and sniggered at the look on his face. "Oh ha ha" he said with a small sigh of relief. "your so funny Bils, really. Nearly gave me a heart attack with that look on your face" he added clutching his heart.

I continued to attend his hand, wrapping a bandagearound the cut. I could still feel his eyes burning into the top of my head as I continued to wrap as gently as i could. We sat in a comfortable silence as i was wrapping his hand. Enjoying having his hand in mind and the tingling i felt as i touched him. The room between the coffee table and the couch was pretty minimal so the lack of space for our legs meant they were slightly interlocked and touching. I made sure to wrap his hand precisley and slowly so we could be in this position as long as possible. However I tried not to drag it out too much as i didnt want him to think i was doing it on purpose.

I tucked in the end of the bandage, symbolising i was finished but i lingered a little with his hand in mine. i looked up to see he was looking right back at me, his eyes hadn't moved since i started. My heart was racing in my chest as we looked at eachother for a few moment. His eyes were just brown pools of warmth. A warmth that filled my entire body. I took a deep breath and reluctently averted my eyes aways from his gaze.

"Alright, all better" i spoke, letting go of his hand and turning to pack up my first aid kit. "How does it feel? is it too tight or anything?" i added. Jospeh cleared his throat "No its um. its perfect. Thank you" he looked down to his hand rubbing it. "Your good at that" he added. "Well thank god i am, especially with people as clumsy as you around me" i laughed as I went to the bathroom to put awasy the first aid kit. I had been so caught up in the moment that i hadn't even relised that it was pouring with rain outside. I walked back into the main room. That rain quickly occumponaied with claps of thunder and flashes of lightening. I had wanted to go back and finish up the last few things but i didnt really want to go out into the rain. It may have to just wait till the morning. So much for getting to my own bed tonight.

"I think we might be stuck in here for the night now" said Joseph as he stood looking through the curtains at the rain outside. Reality sinking in at his statement. Stuck in this trailer all night. With Joseph. Just us. Our first sleepover. Jesus. I had hoped the oppertunity for more nakedness would come along with our first sleepover but i guess ill have and settle for this.

For now.

I hope.

"Sorry about not being able to get you back to your own bed" he added, looking over to me with a sorry look on his face. "Dont be sorry" i laughed. "I'll survive another night its fine. Im just sorry that you trying to help me ended with you getting impailed". He looked at me and shrugged with a smile "what can i say im just an extremly skilled handy man" he said as he went to go sit back down on the couch "if you dont accidently impaile yourself your not doing it right".

"Ok well if were stuck in here I'm going to put the heating on then cause i dont want us to freeze in the night" i stated rubbing my hands together as i suddenly realised it was pretty chilly in the trailer. "I don't exactly have anything propper for you in terms of something to sleep in but i at least have a shirt somewhere that could suffice" i said walking off into the bedroom area of the trailer.

I rummaged through my drawer trying to find something that would fit him. Most of my shirts, especially the graphic ones, were mens anyways as they were always way cooler. I pulled out the biggesst one i knew i had which had The Mandelorian on the front. It was perfect. And even more perfect as i knew that i had been gifted it by Pedro while we were filming. Jospeh was going to die.

"Here i thought this one would be appropriate" i said throwing him the shirt. He opened it up and he laughed looking down at his feet briefly as his cheeks went slightly red. Oh just you wait till i tell you Joseph. However im gong to wait unti you have put it on. "You can change in here, ill go in the bedroom and get changed" i said before walking back to the bedroom. "No peaking!" He yelled from the other room. "Right back at you" i responded

Shit what am i going to wear. I went through my drawers. Then the small closet. then the Drawers again.




Why today

I didnt have any other pants. I rummaged through my stuff again to check but no. I cant wear my star wars pants as they have blood on them. Ugh.

I stood there a few seconds wondering what i was going to do. i had a plain white shirt i could wear but no pants. Until it hit me. Neither did Jospeh. He didnt have pants to wear either. They were dress pants plus they also had gotten blood on them. Maybe i should even the score and leave the pants. Not that i had much of a choice anyways. Thank god i wasnt wearing ugly underwear. Black silky with black lace trim.

I decided to take a peak out the curtain blocking my veiw of the other room to see if Jospeh was wearing his pants. Had it been long enough to take a peak? He couldnt still be changing. Alright one quick glance just to check. I snuck a peak. But he hadent finished. He was still putting on the shirt i gave him. I only saw him from the front putting the shirt up and over his head but the veiw of his bare chest, muscles moving and seeing him for a brief second in nothing but his boxers. It was sight to behold. Suddenly being stuck in here felt worth it. Thank god for the rain. I took a deep breath in before opening the curtain to the next room.

No pants it was.

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