Chapter Twenty: Stealing Secret Kisses

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"So first we are needed down at wardrobe cause I think there's a problem with one of the costumes. Then we have got to go to set and start setting up for our next scene but it shouldn't take too long just tell people what you need done. Then we should be able to break for lunch before we have a meeting with the brothers, just a catch up to see how everything's going and what not." Sam stated as we walked from our Van to the trailer.

It had just passed 6:30 AM so we were a bit early but it just meant I could hunt down some breakfast before I started as we had nothing to eat at home. Neither of us having the time or energy to go to the supermarket at the moment.

Sam took my bag for me and said she would take it to the trailer so I could go get us some food, so headed down to the cafeteria. I loaded a plate with items for Sam and then turned my attention to my own plate.

My phone chimed in my pocket.

6:37 AM - Samwise 💖

So I told wardrobe we'll be there at 7:30, don't be late

srry Joe surprised me with some breakfast

love youuuuuuu

I shook my head at my phone letting out a slight laugh before putting it back into my pocket. I continued putting food on my plate. Those guys are too cute. I smiled for a moment just happy at how well they were going together and how much I knew she liked him. It felt nice to see her happy and genuinely happy enough to finally include me in details of her relationship.

It made me then think about Joseph and I.

We went on our first date about 3 weeks ago and since then its been going so well. I honestly don't think I have ever felt so happy. The first date we went to dinner and just talked and talked the entire time. Before we knew it it was 11 PM and the restaurant seemed pretty eager to close so we left. I insisted on splitting the bill but Joseph wouldn't hear it, so he paid for us. We both knew that we were not ready for the date to end though so we ended up driving down to a park by the Lake. We sat on a bench watching the Moon shimmer on the water as we continued to talk for hours.

By the time we reluctantly ended the date and got back to my house it was 3:30 AM. I insisted that Joseph just sleep on the couch and not drive home as it was so late but he insisted he was fine. All our places were pretty close to each other any ways as it wasn't a massive town.

We kissed goodbye, the kiss lingering for a while. Him holding me close and with a grip that felt like he never wanted to let go. My hands caressing his hair. We managed to part ways and I stayed behind the closed door beaming from ear to ear until I heard his car pull away. Each date since I've felt the same butterflies and had the beaming smile on my face every time he left. We had been on two more dates since, one to the movies and another we had a picnic in the same spot we talked on our first date by the lake. Both of them were so much fun.

I cant believe I would ever be this lucky.

I was about to go sit down with my plate but suddenly felt a hand snake around my waist from behind followed by a peck on the back of my exposed neck, his long hair tickling my skin. God I will never get over that feeling. "Someone's hungry today" Joseph laughed as he stood to my side. Eyes sparkling, smile beaming, already in his costume. "Well hello to you too" I laughed back, slightly worried about someone seeing his actions but a quick scan of the room showed that there wasn't anyone else here yet.

"I prepped a plate for Sam but she got side-tracked by Joe, he brought her breakfast" I added. "I'll happily take if off your hands" He stated, taking the full plate from the buffet table and taking mine fore me. I smiled at him as he turned around and went to find a table for us. He always insisted on carrying my things.

I grabbed us some cutlery and followed him to a table over by the window. It was really nice weather today, still cold but the sun felt so warm on my skin. "How come your already in your get up?" I asked as I knew he must have been here super early to already be in costume. "Wig problems" He chuckled as he tucked into his plate. "Think were having trouble perfecting the wig for my wet scenes."

"Ah so you are my costume conundrum this morning" I laughed as I took a bit of my food.

"That's me" He said, mouthful of food. "I just like to keep you on your toes" smirking over at me through his fringe. Jesus the way he looked at me like that in his costume made me tingle all over. He was so hot as Eddie. A weird part of me wishing I would have the opportunity to do stuff with him in his costume. As long as he didn't think that that was weird of course.

"Stop undressing Eddie with those eyes Bils, it takes long enough to get into this stuff." he chuckled, obviously catching onto me eyeing him up. "I mean can you blame me?" I smirked back. "Besides I catch you doing the same to me all the time so don't give me that crap." laughing into my next mouthful. He chuckled again and shook his head before leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms "I don't know what your talking about" He stated with a smile, raising an eyebrow. I could tell his eyes were now mentally undressing me too. The look sending chills all over me.

We still hadn't taken anything any further then we did when we got stuck in the trailer. We still took our make out sessions to the edge of no return sometimes but somehow managing to hold our selves back. Not that I wasn't dying too go further with him but it was a big step and we had both agreed that we wanted to take thigs slow.

I managed to change the subject to other things as I could feel the urge to just jump on him swelling inside me. We chatted and ate our food until about 7:20 AM when we decided to head over to wardrobe. Our hands at our sides as we walked together, brushing against each other every so often. He let his fingers linger on mine a few times, purposefully caressing my skin briefly. The shivers it sent through me were intense.

We were about to reach the trailer for wardrobe when he grabbed my hand and lead me through a gap in-between two trailers and behind one of the trailers used for makeup. He backed me up against the trailer wall, i was still a little shocked at this actions but I could feel myself aching for him all over. Him taking charge was the hottest thing ever. It was as if it Eddie was taking over and taking what he wanted.

He quickly closed the gap between our bodies, leaning one hand next to my head up against the trailer and using the other to clutch my face as he pulled me onto his lips. The cold of his rings on my face making me gasp slightly. Our kiss was slow but passionate. It didn't take long before our tongues got involved. My hands found his chest and grabbed the denim vest to pull him into me more. Our lips moving in perfect unison.

His kisses made their way down to my chin then down my neck to my collarbone. I moved my head to the side to allow him the access he wanted, I couldn't help but let out a couple of hushed moans as he did. My hands gripping him tighter.

This obviously set off something in him.

He kissed his way back up to my lips and he reached down to grab the back of my knee "Jump" he whispered into our kiss. I quickly wrapped my hands around his neck and obliged willingly, jumping up into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist. He held me up by holding onto my ass, squeezing it ever so slightly. This making me giggle slightly and I felt him smirk into the kiss from my reaction.

My hands travelled down to the sides of his arms we continued our heated kiss. I could feel his arm muscles tensing from holding me up against the trailer, making me wish I could see them flexing underneath his clothes.

It was then that we heard the voices of Sam and Joe talking amongst themselves as they headed to wardrobes trailer.

"I think that's our cue" I whispered breathlessly into our kiss. Joseph groaned slightly before slowly putting me down, hands reaching up to cup my face as he planted a couple of tender pecks on my lips before pulling away gently and resting his forehead against mine. He nodding. "Ok, lets go" He lifted his head up and kissed my forehead. "You go first and ill follow in a second" I said with a smirk, biting my lip as I felt a tingling in them from missing his on mine. He gave me a smirk back before winking "See you in there" he whispered before stealing on last kiss and heading round the corner to the trailer door.

I took a deep breath to try and regain composure before heading to the trailer door myself.

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