Chapter Sixty Three: Birthday Girl Side B - Josephs POV

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By four o'clock we had already made all the stops that I had planned except for one. We first went to the diner for milkshakes and pancakes where Francine and the staff put candles in hers and sang her a very big and embarrassing happy birthday per my request. Making Billie blush like that was probably one of my top three highlights from today. This was followed by checking out one of the local summer markets that she had kept saying she wanted to go to where we strolled hand in hand in the sun with iced coffees looking at all the stalls for a while. From there we went and played mini golf where we both got super competitive to the point where we had to do it twice as we drew on the first round. I told her that just cause it was her birthday doesn't mean I was going to go easy on her but she ended up whipping my ass anyway and I know she will never let me forget it. This leads up to now as we're on our way to the final activity for the afternoon.

The late afternoon sun glared through the windows of my car and the open sunroof, filling it with hot air as I blasted the A/C to try and counteract it. Coming from a country where this kind of heat was practically nonexistent made it slightly unbearable for me today but Billie seemed to be holding up like a champ considering her British heritage. She had spent a large portion of her life where it gets just as hot if not worse after all. Her fingers were laced with mine as they rested on her exposed upper thigh, Billie singing happily to the music that played on full blast as we drove. I couldn't help but appreciate how fucking cute she was, being all dramatic and singing the lyrics at me now and then which made my heart skip a beat and chuckle at her goofy smile.

"Eyes on the road J, again I don't want this to be my death day" she raised an eyebrow at me as she reached out and turned down the music.

"But my eyes like you too much" I pouted at her, bringing her hand to my lips and kissing her skin softly. "I can't help it, maybe stop being so damn gorgeous?"

"How many more stops do you have planned?" She asked, avoiding the question but not being able to avoid the colour that I had managed to bring to her cheeks.

"Just one more baby," I said as I pulled up to our destination and parked the car.

"The lake?" She asked, her brow quizzical, looking over at the sparkling water and then over at me.

"Yeah, I think we deserve to cool off a little, don't you?" I laughed as I reached for the bag of swimsuits and towels in the back seat.

"Ahhh so that's what's in the mystery bag!" she laughed.

"Yeah, no kidnappers supplies this time, sorry to disappoint you" I replied as we hopped out of the car.

"That's a shame, I do like being tied up" She winked at me over the top of the car as she shut the door behind her and started to take off her new shoes. My breath hitched in my throat a little with the look she gave me as she spoke. My mind flashed with an image of her naked and tied up momentarily which made me let out a soft groan to myself.

"I don't think I thought this through" I realised as I grabbed her swimsuit out of the duffle bag.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, there's not exactly anywhere to get changed" I looked around to see if there was a public restroom or anything but there wasn't. Shit.

"It's fine, there's no one around" She smirked making her way over to me. She reached up and steadied herself on my shoulder as she reached up and under her dress, pulling down her white lacey underwear. She placed it in my hand before taking the bottoms of the swimsuit from me and putting them on, her smirk and eye contact kept on me the whole time as she watched me become flustered.

"That's one way of doing it I guess" My cheeks flushed as I cleared my throat before I smirked and motioned to her dress. "What about the top half Macgyver?"

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