Chapter Fifty Two: Closing Deals

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"See this is the only reason why your names don't make sense cause samwise had Frodo not Bilbo" Joseph said as he munched on some popcorn.

I rolled my eyes but out of veiw of him as we sat cuddled on the couch, watching the fellowship of the ring. We had decided that we would watch all of the movies in order, we had already watched all three of the Hobbit movies over previous nights in. Now we were finally at the good ones.

"Yeah i know but my name is Billie not... Fillie so Frodo was a non option" I replied "This is really a conversation I don't wanna have cause Sam and I have already had it multiple times." I laughed as I ate a piece of popcorn myself.

"I for sure prefer these over the Hobbit though, they just arent as good" Joseph commented.

"Yeah me too, the book is probably one of my favourites though. I've read that thing god knows how many times. I even had to get a hardback copy so I wouldn't ruin it like I did my dads copy growing up." The thought of my dad suddenly made me want to hurl. "Not that he didn't deserve it" I tried to chuckle my sickening feeling away.

"You got that right, personally i think he deserves a knock up the side of the head but a ruined book will have to do." he replied with a laugh as he turned and kissed me sweetly. This luckily settled my thoughts instantly, which I think was the idea.

He suddenly paused the movie and wriggled put from underneath me to get up. I groaned.

"Do you really have to pee again?" I sighed, as i sat up, my head falling back on the headrest of the couch. This was the third time we have had to pause it and we were barely half way through. Joseph came up behind the couch and looked down at me.

"Well after three cups of tea and soda, yeah I kinda do. Just cause you have a bladder of steel. Pick on a bladder your own size Monet" he chuckled as he leaned down and kissed my head before heading for the bathroom.

"Monet? Wow, we're using last names now? Ok" I yelled to him as he dissapareaded down the hall.

While he was gone I took out my phone to scroll aimlessly when I noticed I had a few missed calls from Sam along with three texts and an email. My heart sank a little as I thought maybe something was wrong.

This is exactly why you always have to leave it on vibrate at least Billie.

7:15PM - Samwise 💖

Omg did you see the email!

Congrats bitch! I'm so glad you got it, we have to celebrate when we are both home tomorrow

I love you! ❤️

I quickly opened my emails to find that the first one was a message from my realator over in London.

I officially got the apartment.

I did a little squeal as I read through the email. To say I was excited was the understatement of the century. Holy crap, how do I have two houses? This is crazy... That thought was kinda scary but I'm just glad I saved like I have. Most of the work I've done didn't pay amazing but once I moved from doing more than just makeup plus working on the kinda of productions that I have, the pay had increased by a surprisingly high amount. This plus investments and finally selling my home back in Australia meant that I was able to put down more than double the deposit amount which was insane to me.

Sam and I had agreed that we would keep our place in LA and that we would just rent it out while we are in London. It depends what she wants to do when we get back however as obviously Joe was based in America. We hadn't talked about potentially having to live separately as it crushed me. Not even seperatly but in differenr countries! But I would have her in Europe with me after stranger things while we work on my next production and that's all I cared about right now. We will figure out what she wants to do when the time comes and not a minute before.

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