Chapter Three: Embarrasing Introductions - Side B

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Once the brothers had finished with all the introductions and speeches it had gone way over time and it had already reached 12:30. We were suppose to wrap it up at 11:00.

I was hankering for a coffee so bad at this point.

The brothers ushered us out of the meeting room and down the hall to the entrance where there were about 20 golf carts lined up to take us to the main set where a breakfast buffet was set up for us. I got into a cart with Gaten, Sam, and Natalia. Our conversation was full of catch-up talk and general chit chat as we hadent seen eachother in a while. I was listening to what they were saying and contributing where I could or when I was spoken to, but honestly my mind was elsewhere.

How can I ask who he is without it sounding weird? What if they get sus? Is he crew or is he part of the newer cast? However I didn't have to ask as he was brought up in the conversation anyways.

"Have you met Eddie yet Billie?" I looked over at Sam who was next to me. She had been trying to make sure she knew who everyone was before we started production so she studied the cast and crew books religiously. "hmm?" I hummed before snapping out of my blank stare, realizing I was being spoken to "Um no not yet, what is he like? Is he nice?" I asked still only somewhat engaging in the conversation.

"He was the guy in the corner talking to Noah and David, the one with the green sweater?" explained Gaten. "I don't know if you noticed him but he's playing Eddie. His name is Joseph".

Suddenly my interest in the conversation went from 0 to 100 real quick. I had to compose myself for a second before I let my face tell everyone what my head was thinking.

Then reality set in.

You're the "leader" of the hell fire club, as the brothers put it. Oh god... The nausea was back. This means that I'm going to be spending a lot of time with this guy. Eddie is the Dm of the Hellfire club. He was the new main character of the group. My heart quickened at the though and the color that had just left my cheeks snuck back up on me again. Perfect, let's make it obvious you have a lady boner for him shall we. I brought my hand up to my mouth, picking at my lip, another one of my anxious quirks.

"Yeah, the guy who was literally eye fucking you from across the room" Sam whispered as she leaned into my ear. I darted my gaze at her, shocked at her words. I playfully punched her shoulder and she laughed, i grabbed her arm. My face was in full-on tomato mode now.

"Shut up Sam, he was not! oh my god" I yell whispered. I hoped to God the others weren't listening. A huge smile I couldn't hold back enveloped my face. "So, you did notice him then?" she whispered again, a menacing smile still on her face. She cracked her knuckles and her neck, tilting her head side to side

"wingman mode, activated" she smiled.

I squeezed her arm and looked at her dead in the eye and mouthed don't you dare. She shrugged, still with the menacing smile plastered on her face. Before she could give me a smart-ass response, we pulled up outside the giant air hanger of a set we saw that there were lots of tables set up and the breakfast buffet ready and waiting. Everyone had been assigned tables in an attempt from the brothers for people who may not know each other to mingle. Sam said she would find my table for me.

I however made a B line for the coffee table.

I grabbed the biggest cup possible and filled it to the brim. I sighed happily as I brought it up to my lips and let out a quiet fuck yes to myself before closing my eyes taking a sip of the warm liquid gold.

"I guess coffee is the way to your good side, noted" said a voice to the side of me. I turned my head and saw him. Making a tea for himself. He looked up from stirring to smile at me. I chocked slightly on my drink as I turned to face him. He's british?

"You okay?" he said, a look of concern mixed with amusement on his face. "didn't mean to scare you"


I blushed whilst I nodded, trying to swallow as I died inside and put the cup back down on the table. "Joseph, Joseph Quinn" he reached his hand out for me to shake "how very Bond of you" I said with a smirk, happy with my quick remark "Sybil, Sybil Monet, but everyone calls me Billie" I took his hand and shook it. Goose bumps enveloped my whole right side as he touched me.

"Sybil? Now that's a name you don't hear anymore" he added "very British" he took a sip of his tea, not breaking eye contact.

God damn those eyes.

"Um yeah, my parents really made my heritage obvious" I laughed. "But I mean I feel like the same could be said about your name". He nodded with a grin swallowing his sip of tea "touché" he smirked. He has the most attractive smile. I looked down and realized that our hands were still attatched. I cleared my through and gently pulled my hand away. Though i knew that i didnt want to.

He reluctantly pulled away his too "you don't sound all that British though? Is that Australian I hear?" he asked, crossing his arms, and looking me up and down, again. I dont think my heart can handle him scanning me like that. Especially since with his arms crossed it made the width of his shoulders more prominent.

God damn.

"Yeah, it is, I am British though I lived there till I was 12 then my family and I moved to Melbourne." I responded twirling my watch around my wrist in a nervous fashion. "Right, I for sure heard a fleck of British in your voice when you were talking back there so that explains it." I sucked my teeth with a smile whilst nodding my head.

"yeah it definitely comes out when I'm nervous" reaching up and rubbing my neck, eyes glued to the floor to cover the red on my blushing cheeks. "So, I make you nervous?" he asked. Head tilted trying to gain my eye contact back. My head shot back up and looked at him, realizing I must still have a British fleck in my voice as I was talking to him.


He smirked at me, sipping his tea again and looking at me over the rim of his cup. what is going on? Is he flirting me with me?

I opened my mouth to say something, but Sam came in and saved me. "I found your table Billie, its number 3" she said smiling at my blushing face, knowing exactly why I was doing so. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

Thank God for Sam.

"Hi I'm Sam, Billie's assistant" she smiled at joseph and reached out her hand to him. "Joseph" he smiled and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, I think you guys are on the same table anyways if you want to follow me" she added and she turned to lead us to our table sneaking a quick knowing glance at me.

Joseph looked at me and motioned for me to go first "after you" he said. Ugh hes cute. "Thank you, kind sir," I laughed as I followed on behind Sam.

Is he being a gentleman? Or is it an excuse to check me out?

Please God let it be both.

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