Chapter Fourty Nine: The Pool Party - Side A

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I blew straight passed the people in the kitchen and went straight to find a glass for my newly acquired drink. I didn't want to make eye contact or say hi to anyone else until I'd had atleast another two shots worth to calm my nerves. I barely even reacted to the taste of the straight vodka. I felt my mind go blank and my body a little numb from my swelling anger. This made it easier to take more than just two shots worth, it was closer four shots worth.

"Billie do you want something to go with that?" Said Natalia from behind me. I turned around and gave her a half smile.

"I think I'm ok" I said quietly.

"Are you- are you ok?" She said concerned as she looked at how much I had already drunk from the previously full bottle.

I sighed and looked over at where Charlotte had been standing but she wasn't there, I took a deep breath. I didn't really want her to hear anything I was saying to Natalia.

"Yeah im ok, now" I laughed lightly as I put the lid back on the bottle. She obviously wasn't convinced. It was then that Maya and Sam came up behind her, making her jump a little. Mayas face looked guilty.

"I'm so sorry Billie I wouldn't have invited her if I'd known. I just thought she'd be able to get to know everyone better. " Maya whispered over natalias shoulder. Fuck me.. I opened the bottle again.

"Its ok Maya really, it was nice of you to invite her. You weren't to know" I smiled.

"Who? What are we talking about?" Natalia asked, her face telling me she was super confused now.

"Charlotte is Josephs ex girlfriend" I replied to Natalia as I took another large swig. Her face said it all, she shot a look over at Charlotte and then back to me. Maya ushered us all before into the panrty and Sam filled her in on the rest.

"What the hell?!" Exclaimed Natalia. We all put our fingers to her lips and shushed her collectively. "Sorry, but what the fuck? Has she flirted with him since? Like Sam thinks she will" she continued with a more hushed voice.

"No" I replied "not yet anyways" I raised my eye brows and crossed my arms.

"I feel like it's only a matter of time though" said Sam "we just have to try and keep Joseph more occupied with Billie then hopfully she won't be able to"

"Ok well look, she's here now so we can't exactly kick her out or anything but let's just hope that it all goes ok, alright?" Natalia tried to reasure me, i nodded back. "Ok, now let's go and get a drink together, a real one, not.. this" she said taking the bottle from my hand and giving me a look.

We all filtered out of the pantry and back out into the kitchen where Maya made us a cocktail. I could feel the effects of the shots from before creeping up on me, so I was feeling a lot more relaxed. I felt so much better with the girls, knowibg that they are there to back me up if needed. The girls started a conversation between us as we stood around the kitchen island, I was just trying to take deep breaths and get the image of Charlotte out of my mind in that damn bikini. It's still cold outside so god knows why she was wearing that get up. The only reason i could think of was to bring attention to herself.

I was assuming Josephs attention was the only one she cared about.

"You going ok beautiful?" Asked Joseph as he cane up behind me and snaked his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. Goosebumps covered my right side. I turned to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Yeah, the vodka is kicking in so I'm feeling a lot more relaxed" I giggled, feeling ever so slightly tipsy now.

"Yeah I put an extra shot in your cocktail too babe" Maya winked and lifted her cocktail too me. I smiled back and lifted mine to her and we clincked glasses.

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