Chapter Four: Embarrasing Introductions Side A and B - Joseph POV

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I was one of the first people to arrive at the meeting room for our introduction breakfast with the brothers, but it didn't take long for the room to fill with people. I'd met most people at fittings and at our first table readings which made the full room feel a little less daunting. I'd managed to strike up a good conversation with David and Noah in the corner of the room.

David was talking about how much fun it was to work on the set with the cast. He assured me that the brothers were incredible to work with and to not to be nervous about anything, just have fun. I was nervous though and i couldnt really shake the feeling.

This was a huge deal for me.

I've never been involved in a production on this scale before and I felt a little out of my depth. But everyone was so lovely and had made me feel so welcome very quickly.

"How are you going Joseph?" said Gaten who he had popped up next to me. I smiled at him and pulled him in for a hug. "Yeah, good mate, just a bit nervous that's all." I laughed, rubbing my neck anxiously. "Everyone is so lovely, i wouldnt worry too much about it. You'll find your groove soon enough and it will start to feel more normal to be here" he said reassuringly.

Gaten then changed the subject to our characters too take my mind off it all which made me fell a little better and less focus on my nerves. Gaten suddenly looked over my shoulder and down the hallway outside the door and excused himself. I followed his gaze, but I couldn't see what he was looking at.

We hugged again and he was gone. I looked back up again, and I heard excited voices over near the door, but I couldn't see anything as there were people chatting, blocking my view. I turned back to David and Noah briefly before the brothers started talking to everyone. I found my spot back up against the wall and focused in on the brother's speech. A few introductions for new people in the crew were made by the brothers along with a few jokes and general talk. This for sure made me feel a lot more relaxed.

"We also have our resident nerd here again this season! She's been pretty busy lately so we are extremely lucky and grateful that she chose to be with us as opposed to a well-deserved vacation" Ross beamed. "a vacation we are happy to pay for when this is done" Matt added, both laughing.

I felt a little hint of jealousy for this person as I wished I had a relationship with these guys that they would even joke about paying for a holiday. Having a close relationship with them throughout the production was important to me as they were really cool guys.

As they continued, I could feel my jealousy begin to creep up. This girl has done a lot of cool stuff, she honestly sounded like she was living the dream.

Wait she? This is a she. Who are they talking about? i scanned the room to see if i could figure it out but to no avail. whoever she was, I was internally planning to talk her ear off about her Mandalorian work as I love that show. Pedro Pascal is my man crush. However, my interested peaked when they mentioned the fact that she was only 21 when she joined season 2.

I did the quickest mental math in my life.


She's 24?!

No wonder these guys are so impressed by her, she's done all this amazing stuff and she's still so young.

"Anyways, we couldn't have picked a better person to run our hellfire club, so welcome back Billie" the whole room started clapping and everyone looked towards where Gaten was sat. It was then that the person blocking my view moved to sit down and suddenly I had full view of the blonde stood up next to Gaten.

Holy shit.

I felt my eyes widen a little at the sight of her and having to catch my breath.

She was stunning.

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