Chapter Twenty Four: Firewood and Butterflies - Side B

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"God damn it, why do I get such shit letters everytime?" Complained Joseph as he slumpted back into the couch, rubbing his hand along his stuble contemplating. "Dont blame the letters, you just suck at scrabble J" I laughed back shaking my head as I placed my tiles on the board. "HA, quiz! Thats another 22 points for me" I said with an attitude, smirking over at Joseph. "What?! Bils you've got to be joking, are you cheating somehow?" he chuckled into his hands after finishing rubbing his face in frustration. "Joseph - can't play scrabble for shit - Quinn how dare you accuse me of cheating!" I exclaimed, laughing into another sip of wine as i sat on the floor accross from the couch. "Someone is just a sore looser"

"Calling the kettle a little black there bils, you nearly took my eye out with a flying hotel when i won monopoly not even half an hour ago cause you went bankrupt" he laughed, pointing to the little plastic house that was still on the floor near his feet. "Monopoly dosent countJ, it's a stupid game that no one actually likes" I said furrowing my brows into another sip of wine.

"Said the sore looser" he smirked at me sipping his own glass of wine.

"Your such a butthead"

"Butthead!? Your a butthead"

"Bite me!"

"Get your cute ass over here and I will!"

I rolled my eyes with a small laugh before realising I'd just done it again.

He stopped mid sip, staring at me with eyes wide."Did you just-"

"No I- I don't know what your talking about" I replied trying my best not to giggle.

He put his glass down giving me a stern but devilish look "get you ass over here" he said pointing to the empty spot next to him on the couch.

"Nope, no way" I smirked back shaking my head, putting my hands on the floor getting ready to run.

"Dont make me come over there" he laughed, looking like he was about to come for me.

We stayed still for a moment watching eachother, waiting to see who would make the first move. My heart racing in my chest.

"I played rugby as a kid don't make me tackle you Bils"

"Did you suck at that too?"

"Thats it" he laughed as he shot up off the couch.

I let out a small giggle before making a break for the stairs. I managed to get to the top before he reached me, grabbing my hip and spinning me around to face him. "I told you not to roll your eyes" he smirked before grabbing my waist with both hands and started tickling me. I wriggled around in his clutch trying to break free, laughs getting more and more out of control along with my breath.

However he messed up by loosing grip with one of his hands so I took the oppertunity to grab it and use it to push him backwards on the bed. He laughed, still holding onto my waist pulling me down with him. I managed to tickle his side making him loose his other grip on me slightly as well and before we knew it i had him in the same position he had me only a few hours early.
I stayed there straddling him for a few seconds as we caught our breath.

"What was it you were saying about playing rugby?" I sniggered down at him. "I would have tackled the shit out of you" I bit my lip a little.

He looked up at me a little in shock, but also seemingly a little turned on. He licked his lips with one of his cheeky smiles. "And I would have let you too, anything to have you touching me"

I smiled back at him, looking at his lips then back to his eyes. I noticed that they had darkened a little. He then managed to push my hands up off his, putting his hands on my hips and lifting himself up into a sitting position on the edge of the bed with me still straddling him. I rested my arms on his shoulders.

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