"This is important David, if we don't explain this, they may not have a chance of coping with it."

Doctor is silent, he is staring at me with a glazed over look, "yes, you are probably right", he sighs, inhaling a large quantity of air, he leans forward, taking a professional and serious approach, "(y/n), do not be alarmed when I tell you this, you have been marked by a monster, a higher being, and we have no way of knowing who it belongs to or how to remove it".

I don't react with any sort of urgency, much to the dejection of the doctor, he wanted me to panic just a little at his disturbing words, wanted to see a hint of my self preservation, to know I am someone who wishes to remove myself from the anomalies around me.

Alas, the doctor is disheartened. Why should I worry? I took the deal with Zalgo fully aware of my actions.

I can see his face becoming red again, irritated, powerless, so sad. He stood abruptly, fishing though his palled scrubs and offering me a small, wrinkled piece of paper.

His hands shook as I took the parchment, his grip reluctant to release its hold.

I studied the design neatly stencilled over the crinkled paper, Heather must have given the doctor a once over of what transpired after showing her my back.

Two eyes, one horizontal, the other vertical. A gothic symbol, creatively crafted into a single design.

This is what rests between my shoulders, a decent tattoo if anything, Zalgo's taste is rather morbid, but it is to be expected.

"...", I swear I just heard Zalgo laugh just now.

'Sir?', I still as I fall into a state of concentration, I revived no answer, 'oh great and mighty powerful master of forks?'

I can hear the laugh again, a self-centered chuckle. I waited for a word, for the fork man to start a conversation.

He only gave me one simple order, "Hush."

My ears rang with the demon's gruff voice, it makes my head give a mild throb, leaving behind a fuzzy vacancy.

"(Y/n)!!", the doctor's voice cut through my thoughts, his face close to mine in alarm and worry, he studies me, his hands firmly placed over my ears as he swivels my head from left to right, "...(y/n)?"

I stare at him blankly, blinking my eyes a few times to keep focused, it feels like I have an eyelash trapped under my lids, eyes red and irritated.

Heather gasps, covering her mouth with both hands, she looks alarmed at my state. I rub around my face to see what she is staring at, smearing a warm liquid from my nose across my cheek.

The doctor's eyes widen, his lips flutter, wrenching the given paper from my hold and crushes it between his fist before dropping it alongside the clutter on the ground.

"... No one can know about this."

"We can't keep this to ourselves, this is a serious matter! If we don't say anything! -", Heather's words are rushed, anxious, the doctor sounds the same, but for the reason of my safety alone, "Please Heather! If the faculty discover this there is no chance for (y/n) to be released!"

"And if they get released, will you take responsibility for their actions?!"

"They have been my responsibility from the beginning!", the doctor slams both hands against the arms of his torn chair, gripping the fabric between his fingers.

The two bicker in lowered voices, I can only watch in silence, the sight of two adults fighting over me is flattering, truly, enticing even, but there has to be a compromise, I have already wasted precious time.

Better Luck Next Time! // Creepypasta x lucky readerWhere stories live. Discover now