"Well it's not like I can really stop her. And I was not about to walk in to the room while they were in there doing god knows what."

"I'll kill him," Tom seethed.

"Hey guys! It's good to see you again!" Finn said as he walked into the living room, clueless as to what had been going on. He looked around to see Mia looking mortified, Daniel trying to hold back his laugh, Melissa in shock, and Tom looking like he wanted to kill him. "What's going on?"

"What's going on is that I want you out of this house now," Tom groaned.

"Dad!" Mia shouted.

"Thomas William Hiddleston!" Melissa scolded. She let out a deep sigh as she ran her hand down her face. "What did you expect to happen when our teenage daughter had her boyfriend staying with her without parental supervision."

"Oh god," Finn groaned, finally realizing what was going on.

"I expected her to wait until she was at least fifty," Tom mumbled.

"Fifty?! You definitely didn't wait that long!"

"Tom I can't expect her to wait that long when I was younger than her my first time. I had the talk with her already and assume that they've been safe?" Melissa said questioningly to Mia and Finn, who simply nodded shyly. "Look I don't love the idea of them being sexually active but it's happened and we can't really stop them now. But it will not happen while we are in the house. So Finn while we're here you will be staying in Daniel's room."

"Yes ma'am," Finn said refusing to make eye contact with anyone in the room.

"Okay now that that extremely awkward moment is over with can we move on," Mia asked.

"Yes please," Melissa sighed.

"I'm still not happy about it but okay," Tom scoffed.

"Well why don't you guys go get settled in and we can make dinner," Daniel suggested.

"And since I can't make it to the premiere, Paramount sent me a copy of Scream so I was thinking we can watch it once Livi goes to sleep," Mia suggested.

"Yes!" Daniel cheered.

"She didn't sleep the whole twelve hour flight so she'll probably knock out once she's done eating."

Tom, Melissa, and Olivia went to the guest room to unpack their bags and take a quick shower while Mia, Daniel, and Finn cooked a quick dinner. They ate together and just like Melissa had said, Olivia fell asleep soon after. Melissa and Tom went and put her to bed while everyone went to go change into their pajamas to watch the movie.

The movie started and they were all amazed by Mia's performance. She did phenomenal and they had no idea how big of a part she really played in it. They knew she was one of the main characters but they had just assumed she probably ended up dying half way through the movie. They didn't want any spoilers so they knew nothing of the plot of the movie before watching it.

"Mia you were incredible!" Tom exclaimed.

"It was hard for me to watch you get stabbed but your dad is right, you were amazing!" Melissa said.

"That was fucking awesome!" Daniel shouted.

"Daniel Alejandro Hiddleston!" Melissa scolded.

"Sorry mom but that movie was great!"

"Thanks guys," Mia chuckled.

"I'm so proud of you," Finn smiled. "Maybe we can do a scary movie together someday."

"Yes!" Daniel said excitedly. "That would be so cool! You were great in yours."

"Oh you've been in a scary movie?" Melissa asked to which Finn nodded. "Which one?"

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