99. Unexpected Help

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Art by @AlexTuckr on Twitter

3rd Person Omniscient POV

As Dream is chased into the forest by Sapnap, Y/N quietly sneaks through the smoke. A black mask covers the bottom portion of her face.

Karl leans against a tree, coughing as he stumbles around blindly. His hands reach out into the smoke. Y/N glances back at him but continues running.

All the buildings are on fire as flaming pieces of debris rain down. The trees are entirely black, emitting dark clouds into the blue sky.

Y/N splashes herself with fire resistance before racing up the crumbling stairs to Sapnap's room.

Where could he have hidden it?

She frantically searches in the chests and under his bed. Behind his armor stand, inside drawers, nothing.

Out of the corner of her eye, a figure dashes into a burning building. She stops and looks closer.

The figure has long brown hair. It's not Karl.

Her axe smashes into the window, shattering it in one go. Y/N hauls herself through and jumps down, her feet already starting to move.


Tina POV

A loud explosion sounds in the distance. The teacup I was holding drops from my hands and shatters against the wood floor.

"Fuck," I bend down to sweep up the mess. "Damn Sapnap and his explosives. Maybe it was a creeper though."

Another explosion.

I sigh and hastily walk to the door.

"Sapnap can you—"

I stop as my eyes widen in shock.

The trees, grass, and houses are all on fire. The thick smoke immediately fills my lungs making me cough.

I watch Sapnap run across the main area, straight into a forest.

Where's he going?
Where's Karl?

I need to get to safety.


Sapnap just ran off and the library's not far.

I throw open the door, wrapping my scarf around me to filter out the smoke. Stumbling around blindly, I manage to reach the door of the library and wrench it open.

The books aren't on fire yet but the roof definitely is.

"Where is it?" I start frantically searching through the shelves. There must be hundreds of books. "Where could he have put it?"

Books fall into piles at my feet until I'm almost knee-deep in them. No Book of Death to be found.

I feel the heat begin to press down on me as the flames start to seep through the ceiling.

"Come on," I start searching faster. "Where are you?"

The fire has now reached the books and shelves as they're quickly turned to ash.

I stumble back toward the door but a lone book on one of the burning shoves catches my eye. Without thinking, I lunge forward and grab the book.

A scream escapes my throat as my hands feel like they're on fire, because they are.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, I just shoved my hands into the fire.

Trying to ignore the blistering pain, I examine the book carefully to see that it is indeed the Book of Death.

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 - Dream x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant