79. Roles Reversed

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Art by @SpaceRobinhood on Twitter

*Oh but author, isn't this also the title of a chapter from your previous book?*

Yeah, so what? My book, my idea, no copyright applies to me 😎

Dream POV

2 days later

Remember how I said that I would visit Y/N? Well, I lied.

I think I'll take care of some other things first.

First thing, setting up my new base. See, the prison wasn't just built to keep people in, but to also keep people out. Now, it will keep others from trying to get in. Since it's abandoned, I just have to seal the entrance and the passage we used to escape, leaving me only one exit and entrance.

The sky is dark with thick, grey clouds covering the stars and moon. The grass barely rustles under my footsteps.


I slip through the night like a shadow. All the Smp members sound asleep in their bed. I run across the Prime Path and pass Punz's tower.

I slow to a trot as I reach the prison. The only way in is the entrance. But what if I dig underneath?

I dig a shallow hole in the dirt and continue digging until I reach the blackstone. Immediately, I feel my pace slow and I realize that the mining fatigue got to me.

No worries though, I brought milk, lots of it.

I drink one and quickly mine through the first block. The mining fatigue immediately returning. The put the pickaxe down and press my hand to my forehead. This is going to take a while.

After hours of mining, I finally break through and reach the main lobby.

Wait what?

I glance to the right which is the door that's supposed to lead to the main cell. It's open.

Is Sam here?

I hurry down the passage way and see that a bit of redstone is exposed between two blocks on obsidian in the floor.


The door to the regular cell block is open and the floor is raised. I step cautiously across the floor in case it happens to lower unexpectedly.

The water tunnel that Techno and I swam through is still unblocked. I remember Techno mining through the cobblestone barrier.

But the guard tunnel on the other side of the room is open. I move closer, slowly, examining the area and listening for any suspicious sounds.

What if Sam is waiting for me to walk in here so he can lock me in the prison again?

The black tunnel is almost invisible against the dark obsidian walls of the prison. The pistons and blocks that push the door closed are missing.

Is Sam deconstructing the prison?

I run through the guard tunnel quickly and pop out where I'm supposed to, the main cell. I just wanted to drop by and see if I left any valuable books in my old cell.

I stop and just stare at the lava for a bit, remembering all the long hours I spent watching it, waiting.

The glow of the lava preventing me from sleeping.
The heat, blistering in contrast to the cold, smooth surface of the obsidian walls and floors.

It was all I saw for months.

I don't try flicking the levers knowing that I don't have access to the prison without the warden key.

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now