51. The Festival

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3rd Person Omniscient POV

The sun slowly rises over L'Manburg. The city is decorated with bright decorations.

The water is still and calm. The calm before the storm.

Ranboo and Tubbo stand on the stage in the city center.

"This feels likes history repeating itself," Tubbo muses to himself, recalling the Manburg festival which was his own execution. This festival was going to be no different.

"That's true," Ranboo fiddles nervously with his hands. "A festival disguised as an execution. Fun for all those who aren't being killed. Yet we made the right choice, Dream's dangerous and must be stopped. This is the only way."

Tubbo nods and straightens his tie.

"You are the epitome of our nations law, 'Be Loyal'," Tubbo says and Ranboo smiles at him softly.

"Hey guys!" Fundy says walking over to them. "I just made a mini ring toss game, want to check it out?"

They all run over to the ring toss game and play for a while until Eret, Quackity, and Niki come up to them.

"Hey Tubbo," Quackity says. "Can we discuss some things with the rest of the cabinet?"

"Of course," Tubbo beckons to Ranboo and Fundy to follow them. "Niki and Eret, you can try out the ring toss game."

The cabinet quickly files into the camarvan.

"Quackity," Tubbo pauses. "I know I promised you the task of killing Dream but I think I should be the one instead."

"Yeah that's fine, whatever man. As long as Dream's dead," Quackity smiles. "That's the whole point of this festival after all. We'll expose his evil acts and kill him in front of everyone. Then we'll celebrate, a new era of peace!"

The room cheers and Ranboo applauds too, unsmiling.

Dream probably already knows about our plans. This isn't going to work.


Tubbo stands at the gates, greeting the guests.

He smiles as Punz, Ponk, and HBomb walks through.

Suddenly, he tenses, a figure walks toward him. They wear netherite armor and a sword at their belt. A face he knows well.

"Y/N?" He asks. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for the festival," she says.

"But aren't you with Dream?" He asks.

"I mean technically yes but I haven't really spoken to him in over a week. He's been really distant and hasn't spent much time with me. We're drifting apart."

"So you're not loyal to him anymore?"

"I guess not," she shrugs. "He hasn't told me any of his plan and he keeps leaving on whatever missions he goes to. I was getting kind of bored so I hope this festival will be better than the last."

"Yeah," Tubbo smiles. "I'm sure it will."

He allows her to pass through the gates and as she walks toward the square, the crowd whispers amongst themselves, eyes on her.

Y/N stands next to Punz and gives him a slight glance which he returns before his eyes focus back on the stage.

Tubbo climbs up onto the stage with his cabinet behind him.

"I hope this festival will be better than the last," Tubbo chuckles. The crowd laughs. "Well I guess I only have one thing to say. Let the festival begin!"

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 - Dream x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant