3. Awkward

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Art by @Mkiid_ on Twitter

3rd Person Omniscient POV

"Dream?" Y/N asks, staring at the man dressed in a lime green hoodie, sweats, and white mask.

"Hey," he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "I just wanted to see how you were doing. Sapnap told me that you were getting settled in before he went to bed."

"I was just about to go to sleep," she crosses her arms and frowns.

Dream eyes her up and down.

Her slightly wet hair, hoodie, and sweatpants show more of her features than before. He's glad for the mask so she can't see him staring.

"Oh, sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable."

"It's nice," she glances over at the large glass doors. "Does breakfast start early?"


"Then I should get to bed, I don't want to miss it." She smiles.

"Yeah, uh, goodnight, I hope you enjoy your time here," he says and waves to her before going back to his own room.


Y/N watches him leave.

She just sighs and gets into bed again, turning out the lights and lies down but Sapnap's words continue in her head.

"Don't tell Dream this, but I think he had a crush on you."

He's got to be joking right? There's no way Dream would like me.

Y/N closes her eyes and lets sleep overtake her.

Dream lies in bed, awake.

I must have sounded so stupid. What was I thinking? Just going up to her at night? Why did I even ask her to join us? I barely know her. I just let my desperation get the best of me. What if she feels uncomfortable and wants to leave?


Y/N rolls over in bed and glances at the clock.

7:10 am.

I have 20 minutes to get ready.

She sighs and goes over to the desk, grabbing a hairbrush and brushing her Y/H/C hair.

After looking through the drawers, she finds an outfit for the day.

A black cropped hoodie, blue straight jeans, and some white sneakers and socks.

Y/N stays a few minutes, writing in her journal.

Today is my first day in the Dream Smp base, I'm not sure why I'm doing this but whatever, it's something different from the village.

She glances at the clock again.

7:35 am.

Okay, I probably should head downstairs now.

She walks down the stairs and into the dining room.

Punz sits at the table in a white hoodie with a gold chain necklace and black pants.

"Hey Y/N," he says. "You can make your own breakfast in the kitchen." He smiles and goes back to eating his toast and bacon.

Y/N goes into the kitchen and smells burning bacon.


He stands there in a white shirt and green jacket, ripped black jeans, combat boots, and his white smiley face mask.

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now