2. Moving in

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"Perfect," he said and handed me a paper with a rough sketch of the base.

I'd seen it before, a dark fortress with high walls and gates surround by forest. It wasn't far.

Why am I doing this? After meeting these guys for a few minutes, I agree to live with them and fight in this dumb war?

It doesn't matter, what matters is that I'm fighting for the Smp.

I sigh as I put all my stuff into the backpack. I don't have many personal items, just some clothes, and other stuff.

I grab my armor and tools before walking out. I stare at the outside of my old home before strolling into the forest.

I remember Dream's eyes on me when we first saw each other in the village. Well, the black eyes of his mask that is. People have said that he never takes it off and no one has seen his face. I wonder why. I have to admit that he kind of caught my eye but I can't let that draw me in, Dream is a warrior, with no time for love. He's fighting a Revolution, he has to stay focused.

I keep reminding myself that it's just for the war, I'm working with them because I want to fight.

As the night falls and the moon rises over the cliffs, the village is silent. I slowly close the door behind me and step into the cool night air.

Making my way through the dense forest and into a clearing. The fortress looms ahead, dark and foreboding. But a few lights glint in the windows below.

I reach the gates and pass through with ease.

I thought they were supposed to be locked.

I reach my hand up to the dark oak door, taking a deep breath, I knock, once, twice.

The door opens and Sapnap stares at me, not in his armor, a white tee with a flame on it, black pants, and checkered shoes.

"Y/N, hi. Come in," I follow him inside and he closes the door.

I survey the room.

A large staircase leads upstairs to what I can see as a hallway. To the right of the stairs is a large living room with a fireplace and comfy-looking couches and chairs.

Past the stairs is a long hallway and to the left of the stairs is another hallway few more rooms.

The whole base is made of polished wood with some stone here and there.

You'd think they'd be worried about fires.

"So Y/N," Sapnap says. "Let me give you a quick tour, we have to be quiet, the rest of them are sleeping."

"Then why did they ask for me to come at midnight if they were sleeping?" I scoff.

He chuckles.

"No idea."

"Why are you up?"

"Came downstairs to get a snack."

He leads me to the right of the staircase and into the living room.

"Here's the living room where we just, I dunno, chill out? This room past it is the dining room, and beyond that is the kitchen."

The living room is plush and comfy, the walls are lined with bookshelves. The dining room has one large table with at least a dozen chairs, the kitchen is kind of small and the cabinets hold all of the dishes and silverware.

"Then here to the left," Sapnap leads me back to the staircase and goes to the left, down the hallway. "Here is where we keep all of our items," he points to all the chests lining the walls of various rooms.

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now