15. Aftermath

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Art by @its_bea_m on Reddit

3rd Person Omniscient POV

Dream leaves Tommy bleeding out on the bridge. He sits down on a small hill as the Smp army stands around him.

"You did it Dream!" George cheers.

"Yeah," Dream smiles but then winces as a small wave of pain hits his wound.

Y/N reaches down and rolls up his pant leg. She pulls out the arrow and presses a cloth with antiseptic against the gash.

Dream hisses at the sudden contact. Y/N mumbles an apology before removing the cloth and pouring a healing potion over it. Then she wraps it in a clean, white bandage.

"Is that okay?"

Dream, who had been spacing out and only focusing on the touch of her fingers, snapped back into reality.

"Yeah— that's good, thanks."

Y/N rolls his pant leg down and smiles before turning to look at the L'Manburgians around Tommy.

Dream stands up, wincing as he puts weight on his injured leg but shakes it off. He turns to see Sapnap staring at him.

Punz is tending to George's wounds and Eret is standing farther away, sharpening his sword.

"That was hot," Sapnap smirks.

"Shut up," Dream rolls his eyes and shifts around items in his belt.

"Dude, it's so obvious you like her, your face says it all."

"Am I still spacing out?"

"Yes, and making that dumbass face too," Sapnap mimics his facial expression causing both of them to laugh.


Tommy lays, spread out on the grass. The ground is stained with red. Tubbo shakingly brushes Tommy's blond hair out of his eyes. Fundy cleans his wounds while Wilbur rummages in the medic kit for anything useful.

"Find anything Wil?" Fundy asks.

"No, we're out of sterilizer, potions, and golden apples," he sighs.

"Please Tommy," Tubbo begs, small tears dropping into his friend's lifeless body. "Just live to see the next sunrise."

Y/N watches, concealed among the forest trees. She takes out a roll of bandages, a regeneration and healing potion, some antiseptic, cloth, and some golden apples.

She waits until the Dream Smp sent is out of sight and slowly approaches the small group.

Wilbur sees her coming first and stands up. He clenches his fists and glares at her. Fundy also looks at her, curiously.

Tubbo turns around to see her standing right behind him. He lets out a broken sob and tries to push Tommy's body away from her.

Y/N crouches down and puts the supplies in front of them. Then, without a word, she turns and pearls away.

L'Manburg stands there in confusion until Tubbo grabs them both and applies some of the antiseptics.

"Tubbo, it could be a poisoned—" Fundy warns.

"Tommy has nothing to lose at this point. If we don't try something, he could die."

Wilbur looks skeptical and picks up the two potions.

He opens the healing potion and sniffs it.

Potions with positive effects have sweet or pleasant tastes. Potions with negative effects have bitter or foul tastes.

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now