96. Settling In

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Third Person Omniscient POV

"So where'd you get the Book of Death from?"

Y/N places her cup of tea down and leans back against the sofa. Sapnap sits across from her in his chair. He was telling her about the recent events, not that she didn't know already, but simply to fill her in on his perspective.

Sapnap glances around before he leans in closer, his voice dropping to almost a whisper.

"I found it in a chest in Dream's old base. It said that I could write down names and a god would kill them for me. So I tricked him." He smirks, looking proud of himself.

"I wrote down the names of people who didn't exist and they appeared. Apparently, his name is DreamXD, the protector of the SMP. He promised me that I could kill anyone I wanted. When I asked to kill Dream, he said I couldn't since Dream was the owner of the Revival Book."

Sapnap takes another sip of his tea before continuing.

"Eventually, we made a deal that he would tell me where Dream was. I could kill him, but I would also die. No ghost, but Dream could become one."

Y/N stays silent.

"Y/N," Sapnap says as he leans forward, his hands resting on either side of her. His dark eyes fixed on hers. "I'm trusting you with this. I trusted Punz for a while, and he betrayed me. I'm counting on you to not repeat his actions."

Y/N nods slowly. "I won't, I promise." Her left hand drifts behind her back to make an X as she utters those words.

"Good," Sapnap moves back and paces the length of the room before returning. "Didn't you betray Dream alongside Punz? We know that Punz didn't really betray Dream, so wouldn't you have known?"

Y/N freezes and desperately tries to keep her breathing steady.


"No, he just told me he was planning to betray Dream, and I decided to do the same," Y/N answers quickly.

"Why didn't Dream come after you then? "He hated you the most, especially given your history," Sapnap presses.

Y/N just shrugs. "Maybe he was afraid of me or afraid that the minute I went missing, people would be out hunting for him."

"We are now." Sapnap stands up, his eyes glinting with malice. When I tried the Book of Death, it didn't work on Dream. But since the god promised me that he would kill Dream, I suspect that it has something to do with the Revival Book that canceled out his power."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Y/N asks. She puts her teacup down.

I need to get out of here now. Before Sapnap figures out the truth.

"You can stay here in Kinoko to help protect against Dream. Now that I have his armor and a book that can counter the Revival Book, I'm a target. And so is Karl, and George, or anyone I care about."

Y/N glances out the window at the slowly falling pink blossoms. She drains her cup of the last bit of tea.

"Well then I should get prepared. I'll head out to gather supplies and be back, hopefully before dark."

Sapnap smiles. "Be safe."

"I will. I can handle myself."

Y/N steps toward the door but turns back to face Sapnap.

"Be careful with that book. That's a lot of power, killing someone by simply writing down their name. With great power comes great responsibility. "

"I know," Sapnap says as he pulls out the book and runs his thumb over the lettering."I'll be responsible."

As Y/N walks out, Sapnap sinks down onto the couch and sighs.

"Where do I hide you?" he mutters softly. "I can't keep you on me, but it needs to be a secure spot. Somewhere no one would suspect."

After a few moments of silence, he suddenly jumps up.

"I know, hide it among the others, among other books." His fingers tighten around the book. "To the library."

Sapnap quickly hurries out the door. As soon as he leaves, a hand reaches out from under the couch.

It grasps onto the leg of the coffee pot. Their breathing quickens as they slowly, carefully, drag themselves out.

Their pale skin still shimmers in the dim lighting as they tug through some knots in their brown hair.

Tina adjusts her carrot clip before straightening up, her eyes darting out the window to where Sapnap ran off.

A book that can kill people just by knowing their names. That's too dangerous, even in Sapnap's hands. It has to be destroyed. Or there won't be peace.


Y/N slowly strips mines as far north as she can. The small pieces of stone and dirt fly everywhere. After four hours of mining, she'd gathered quite a bit of iron, diamonds, and more.

A swing of her pickaxe breaks the stone in front of her, also shattering the stone below her feet. The rocks fall as she tumbles down and lands on the stone below.

"Ow," Y/N groans. She holds the back of her head, which, luckily, is protected by a helmet. "What is this?"

Instead of a dark cave made of rough stone, the walls, ceiling, and floor are made of smooth stone bricks. They're quite old, judging by the moss growing on them.

The bricks form a structure that leads off into different tunnels. Y/N cautiously stands up and draws her sword just in case.

Each room is blocked by an iron door, and mobs frequently appear around every corner.

Still, Y/N moves forward until the hallway opens up to reveal a much larger room.

A small set of stone steps leads up to nine odd, green and cream-colored blocks arranged in a circle. Each has a slot in the middle. A small pool of lava sits in the center of this odd arrangement.

She climbs up the steps, staring at them.

What are these?

A loud rumbling noise makes the whole structure shake as Y/N steps back hurriedly.

The lava bubbles as a figure slowly rises out of the lava, the orange liquid slowly dripping off their form.

They seem to float in the center of the circle. Their white wings extend out of the dark green cloak that hides the rest of their body.

A white mask with an XD covers their face as two gold halos criss cross above their head. Long, white fingers reach up to adjust an ender's eye necklace hanging around their neck.

DreamXD straightens his wings before turning to face the person.

His glare quickly shifts to shock as he holds back a gasp.


Y/N stares up at him in shock, but somewhere, deep in her mind, a small voice seems to say:

You know him.

DreamXD smiles as he spreads his wings and arms wide.

"Welcome to my stronghold. My name is DreamXD."


1,196 words

You know how DreamXD was the villain in the last book?

Well, this time I'm switching it up :)

Comment on any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

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