55. Almost Showtime

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Art by @spa_ace_bar on Twitter

3rd Person Omniscient POV

The war was scheduled to start in 5 hours.
Everyone was preparing.

Dream and Y/N are at their base gathering armor, weapons, and potions.

"How many strength potions do you have?" Dream asks, he rummages inside a chest and lifts up a bottle to inspect the label. Fire resistance.

"I have," Y/N says, she adjusts her belt and shifts the bottles around. "3 strength, 3 fire resistance, 3 regeneration, 3 swiftness, 3 invisibility, 2 turtle master, and two leaping."

"That should be good," he mutters. Dream closes the chest and stands up, the potion bottles clink together.

"This is going to be intense," she says.

"Mhm," Dream pulls out his axe and runs his fingers along the blade. "So much destruction, so much chaos." He glances up with a smile.

"Let's do this."


Dream waves goodbye to Y/N as she heads for L'Manburg to meet up with her "allies".

He starts his journey to Techno's house but pauses by a cave. He heads inside and finds a small corner that is shielded by stalactites.

Dream ducks under the jagged rocks hanging from above, ignoring the mobs as he goes to sit in the corner. He pulls off his mask and curls himself into a ball.

The Revival Book appears in his head. Words scrawling across the pages, planning through his head like a record.

He mutters them quietly, closing his eyes. There's a rushing sound and he's engulfed in darkness.

When he opens them, there is still darkness but he feels a strange presence.

"How could Dream have gotten hold of my memory book?" a voice asks. Dream smiles, the plan laid clearly out before him.

"I don't know, I just found it in your chest," he says. Ranboo sucks in a sharp breath.

"How are you here?" he asks softly. Dream chuckles.

"I don't know. Maybe it's all just in your head."

"Why now, why did you wait to reveal it now?" he asks.

Dream laughs.

"It's all just a game. A fun game. To watch them suffer."

"Did I do anything wrong?" Ranboo asks.

"Yes," Dream's voice seems more distant.

"I don't want to pick a side, I want to choose people."

"By choosing people, you're choosing a side," Dream points out. "You betrayed everyone."

"That's not true," Ranboo says but he's mostly convincing himself. He stares at the obsidian walls of his panic room.

"You've done so many bad things," Dream says. "You hurt Techno, Tommy, and Tubbo. You helped Tommy burn down George's house which led to Tommy's exile."

"I didn't mean to," Ranboo whispers, trying to push down the feelings.

Could he be right? Did I really do those things?

"You probably helped Tommy burn down the Community House too. You just don't remember ."

"I didn't do any of those things!" Ranboo says.

"Yes you did," Dream whispers, his voice seems to be fading away. "You're a bad person."

"If I don't write down bad things, then can I even rely on my memory book anymore?" Ranboo asks. "I can't remember destroying the Community House. I didn't have TNT. No one was with me. Did I do it?" he asks.

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now