75. Jailbreak

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Art by @inoziart on Twitter

3rd Person Omniscient POV

"So let's review the plan one more time." Techno spreads the blueprints all over the table in the Syndicate room. The five members all sit around it, staring intently.

Techno sits in the chair labeled Protesilaus.
Phil sits in the chair labeled Zephyrus.
Niki sits in the chair labeled Nemesis.
A chair sits empty labeled Lethe.
Y/N sits in the chair labeled Harpocrates.
And the newest member, Apollo sits next to Techno, his tail wagging excitedly.

"Okay, so me and Apollo will dig under the prison and find Dream's cell, hopefully I won't set off the alarm. I'll free him, then free Ranboo from the main cell block. Giving them both armor, we'll escape through the tunnel I used."

"Phil," he turns to his friend. Phil sits up attentively. "I need you to hide the horses. We'll need to use them as an escape."

Phil nods. "I can conceal them in the hollowed out hill I prepared."

"Niki," Techno hands her a stack of wither skulls and soul sand. "You will blend in with the others. By chance anything goes wrong, you know how to use these." He grins remembering the Manburg Festival where he spawned the wither. He remembered the look on Niki's face that day, horror and sadness.

Niki nods and turns the skulls over in her hands, staring into the dark, black eye sockets.

I remember watching these destroy my home. Now I hold them, ready to use them.

"Y/N," Techno turns to her. "You and Niki will find other people and blend in with them. Are you sure you still want to go through with this? With your past history with Dream and all."

Y/N hesitates. Her fingernails tap nervously on the table's surface.

"I'll do what I must."

Techno nods. "Okay."

1 hour later

Techno stands outside the prison, the water brushing the tips of his boots. Apollo sits on the bank next to him, his head tilted, ready.

Niki and Phil stand farther back near the concealed horses in the hill. They wave to him.

"Good luck," Phil says.

Techno waves back with a grin. Taking a deep breath, he plunges into the water.


Y/N stops by her house by L'Manburg. Her eyes scan the chests before falling onto a sword lying on her desk. Netherite, unenchanted, full durability, perfect. She grabs a book from her ender chest and turns to the anvil.

The placed is placed on the cool, metal surface. She grabs a piece of lapis and the book.

Knockback II.

This should work.

Slipping the sword into her belt, she sets off to find the other.

In a matter of minutes, Y/N arrives at the McPuffy's where Eryn, Sapnap, Punz, Michael, and Niki are standing outside.

"Hi," she smiles and waves.

"Hey," Sapnap waves back. He and Eryn both sit on horses. "We're just about to get some food what to join us?"

"Yeah sure!" Y/N glances at Niki with a smile. She returns the smile and the two head inside.

"What are you going to get?" Punz asks.

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now