38. Necessary?

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Art by @sennhah on Twitter

3rd Person Omniscient POV

Dream builds a small, dirt shack for Tommy and Ghostbur after they'd stopped on the island that would be serving as Tommy's exile.

"Here," Dream places a bed down.

Tommy mutters a thanks, still glaring at the masked man.

Dream digs a small hole into the ground and motions to Tommy.

"Drop your items down here."

"What if I don't?" Tommy crosses his arms.

"Then I'll kill you."

Tommy frowns and continues to stand there.

"Here's my seeds, here's my lanterns, here's my gunpowder, here's my eggs..." Ghostbur starts dumping his items into the hole.

"Ghostbur!" Tommy exclaims.

"Drop your items Tommy," Dream digs the hole a bit deeper and glances up at him.

"Or what," Tommy presses on.

"Or I'll kill you."

"I don't care."

Dream turns back to the defiant child and raises his axe.

"Okay, okay, okay," Tommy starts dropping his items including his armor, tools, food, and materials.

Dream places a piece of TNT over the hole and lights it. However, due to the rain, the TNT doesn't light.

"I can do it!" Ghostbur says brightly before lighting it with his flint and steel. The TNT explodes and Tommy's heart sinks. All of his items, gone. He'd have to start from nothing.

Dream hands Tommy some obsidian and steak but Tommy refuses to take them.

"I don't want your pity fucking things!" He yells. Dream looks annoyed but helps Ghostbur construct part of the dirt roof over the shack. 

"I'll see you never," he says cheerfully to Tommy, turning to go.

"Bye, bye Dream!" Ghostbur says.

"Bye!" Dream turns around and quickly travels away, far away. Back to the Smp. Back to his love.

As he rows across the ocean, Sam passes him.

"Hey Dream!" He says. "Where are you coming from?"

"Oh, just somewhere," he says casually and continues to row off. Sam stares at him suspiciously.


Back in at L'Manburg, Dream meets with the L'Manburgians and declares that Tommy is far away in his exile. Tubbo looks slightly upset but smiles anyways.

"I'll take down the walls and give you the obsidian from it," Dream promises. "I declare L'Manburg as an independent and free nation and I'll support you in any wars and rebellions."

"Oh, that's good to hear!" Fundy says but his smile seems forced.

"I also suggest opening trade routes and positive relations with L'Manburg and the Greater Dream Smp," he suggests.

"I'll definitely look into that!" Tubbo says. "I hope for our nations to coexist peacefully."

"I do too, I'll see you all around!" Dream smiles before running off into the forest.

The L'Manburgians watch him go, their smiles fading quickly.

"He's still on our hit-list," Quackity whispers. "But we'll save him for later. Right now, we need to focus on the person that's a threat to our nation and that we still have no idea of his whereabouts."

"I bet someone does though," Fundy says.

"You're right," Tubbo stares in the direction of a certain man's house. "We'll pay him a visit later and see if he has any information regarding our friend Technoblade."


Dream arrives back at the base and finds Y/N standing by the fire, watching it.

"Hey love," he pulls off his mask and steps closer to her.

She turns around.

"Dream!" He catches her in a hug and smiles, breathing in the scent of her hair. "How'd it go?"

"Oh it went great. I got L'Manburg to exile Tommy and now he's far away from the Smp where he won't cause any chaos."

"Wait, what?" She pulls away slightly and stares at him. "Why did you so desperately want Tommy exiled?"

"Because," Dream takes her hands gently in his. "He kept griefing, robbing, and burning peoples' houses. He's the source of conflict on this Smp. As long as he's around, we can never have peace."

"But Dream, this is going to cause more problems then solve them. People are going to miss him. They're going to go looking for him. Is this really necessary?"

"It'll be fine. I'll make sure that he thinks they don't care about him," Dream's eyes drift to gaze out the window. A dark look in them.

"Dream," Y/N grabs the side of his face with her hand and turns it so she can look him in the eyes. "This isn't the right way. You need to patch up your friendships with Sapnap and George first."

He kisses her forehead.

"But you said that some things are more important than friends. Like keeping peace on the Smp."

"Dream, that's not what I meant. I meant that you could deal with it later once your finished thinking it through."

"Whatever," he pulls away from her and turns to the fire. "What were you watching?"

"Just staring at the fire," she frowns. "Why?"

"I just want to know."

"Why? You don't need to know what I'm doing every second of the day Dream," Y/N crosses her arms with a frown.

"I just want to make sure you're safe, I care about you, more than anything else."

Y/N continues to frown and her eyes glance at Dream, up and down. 

"What?" He asks finally.

"You've changed," she mutters. "You've become so hell-bent on what you want to achieve."

"Look, I don't want to do this either, I'm doing it for the Smp. It's all necessary for peace."

"Really Dream?" She raises an eyebrow slightly. "Because it seems like you enjoy this, this control over everyone and how you can force L'Manburg into exiling Tommy."

"I don't, I promise you," he reaches over and takes her hand gently.

"You sure?"


Silence falls and her eyes drift back to the fire.

"I sense big changes happening soon. I don't know when, but it'll happen soon. Promise me you'll take care of yourself and won't lose sight of what's truly important."

Dream nods.

"Dream," she grabs his arm firmly, her Y/E/C eyes burn into him. "Promise me."

"I promise you. But you need to promise me something too."

Y/N tips her head and looks at him with a blank expression. The fire crackles, spitting sparks in their direction.

"Promise me you'll always love me."

She smiles. "I promise."

Unfortunately for the two, those promises wouldn't stay unbroken for long.


1,089 words

Small, filler chapter since my Spring Break is ending and I have to go back to school.

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕕 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 - Dream x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now